If Muslims are so peace loving ...why do they need to flood into - TopicsExpress


If Muslims are so peace loving ...why do they need to flood into Christian countries claiming asylum from their own country governed by the same religion they follow? If Muslims are so peaceful...why are their countries so dangerous, even for fellow Muslims? Clearly, you can take the Muslims out of the violent, primitive, hate filled countries, but you cant take the violence, hate and primitive thinking out of these Muslims. They hate us because we are different, yet they want to benefit from our differences. Even if they conquer the world they will not be prosperous. They will destroy each other. Raping and killing believing it is what god wills them to do. Their hate filled religion will be the end of civilization, eventually. How many attacks will it take? How out numbered will we be when we wake up? Will it be too late? Its not easy to believe that an entire group of people have hate in their hearts for the rest of the world. However, when everything you have been taught from your youth on teaches you that the rest of the world is evil. And must die as a result. A religion that does not evolve and cannot evolve, because evolving is against their beliefs and the commands of their holy book will not be stopped peacefully. It is easier to ignore and try to pretend it is not a problem. However, anyone with the ability to look at a situation from various angles and draw their own conclusions based off of facts should see that there is a current problem and a much larger one on the horizon. The mainstream media is more focused on being politically correct than informing the public with accurate information. If one chooses to do nothing they are accepting that islam will eventually rule the world. Speaking out against the belief system of a religion should not be classified as racist. People of all races practice islam. It would be absurd to call an atheist a racist if he criticized Christianity. In order for religious freedom to truly occur then criticism should be encouraged. Allowing people to hear the opinions of other religions and being allowed to choose. The world should not underestimate the will of Muhammad. The plan described in the Quran is a fantastic one to achieve world domination. Many Muslims may not even realize their role. Some are simply used to increase their population. The rules within the faith address so many areas that the plan is playing out beautifully. Their only mistake is starting to fight too soon. However, if the disturbances are ignored the plan will not be derailed. Look at the religion. Think about if you want your descendants to have to submit and covert. Think about how this religion has not evolved from its original form when they are in majority. What will that look like? Will beheadings and stonings be streamed live? Will women have little rights once they can no longer experience the freedoms offered to them as a muslim living in countries who are not governed by islam? Will women have no choice as to who they marry? Will underage girls be married off to men old enough to be their fathers? Will gays be allowed to exist? Will honor killings be legal anywhere in the world? Are you thankful that your ancestors fought and won for your freedoms? Many fights were not won. Many Muslims descend from cultures that were conquered. Do you think their ancestors regret not fighting more to protect their children and their childrens children and so forth?
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 21:35:38 +0000

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