If Only We Were Willing... (my review of A Farewell to Mars by - TopicsExpress


If Only We Were Willing... (my review of A Farewell to Mars by Brian Zahnd) ...and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. (Ephesians 6:15) Are you ready for peace? Are you ready to walk in the gospel of peace? Can we love the peace we receive from God (whom we cannot see) if we walk in a gospel of war towards those whom we can see? Most of America is not ready or willing for peace. I want to be wrong. Really and truly, I want to be wrong. I love my people. But I grew up worshiping war amongst them, and no one in America worships war more than its Christian advocates. This book is prophetic and brings the gospel to America in a way that no other authors book has done before— it lays bare the heart of America, and many will instantly hate and reject that exactly as Judea hated and rejected having its rebellious heart laid bare by Jesus in the First Century. Most patriots will not read it, just like most zealots would not even listen to Jesus for one second. Neither aware of missing the life He offers. But the Messiah is knocking on our door, looking over our city with tears in His eyes, even as many hail His name and profess to welcome Him while harboring revolt in their hearts. If only we were willing to know the things that make for peace, but they are hidden from many of our eyes. The messages of the prophets in scripture have always provoked this kind of reaction— a minority listens, but a religious majority angrily rejects and continues its course. The message of this book is prophetic not only in content, but also in the reactions it will inspire from those who reject it. Maybe that is part of prophecy being fulfilled. But theres no room for rejoicing in that, only for tears. Ramone Romero Artist and writer at Weeping Jeremiahs weeping-jeremiahs.blogspot
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:41:09 +0000

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