If PNG is to take one step forward at a time, now we have the - TopicsExpress


If PNG is to take one step forward at a time, now we have the chance to take the first step in the right direction. But what has been happening since Peter ONeill wrestled power off Sir Michael Somare, probably making the world thinking that PNG is a lawless Banana Republic, ruled by a chain of tyrants and morons. Worse still, probably reaffirming the countrys ranking as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. If one man can destroy or build a country, he is no other than Peter ONeill, the PM of PNG. The law has been after him like a criminal after by the law ever since he was implicated in the K71.8million Paul Paraka saga. Yet he is still on the run but in parallel with the law, making it impossible for the law to catch up with him. While their PM was on the run after by the law, the people have been waiting for a hero to make good everything. First it was thought to be Sam Koim. For some reasons, he dismissed the case due to insufficient evidences. Then all of a sudden, there was off course evidence. He referred the PM to the Police Fraud Squad for his arrest over his alleged involvement, helping Paul Paraka defrauding the State of K71.8 million. Sensing danger, the PM quickly sacked Sam Koim and disbanded his Task Force Sweep Team. Never say die, Sam Koim is still around, trying his luck for the PM to be eventually arrested and answer the charges. The next person the nation looked upon was the former Police Commissioner, Tom Kulunga. He met the same fate like Sam Koim when the Commissioner finally requested for the arrest of the PM after Sam Koim wrote to him, advising him to do so. The nation then with little hope started to wait for the new Acting Police Commissioner, Jeoffery Vaki to effect the arrest on the PM. If puppets are controlled, indeed the new Commissioner seem to be controlled remotely. Instead of effecting the arrest on the PM, he has been trying all his luck out in defending the PM, making people wonder which side of the law he is on. All hope of seeing justice prevails regardless of who you are slowly fading until just recently the Obudsman Commission referred the PM to the Public Prosecutor for possible breach of leadership code and misconduct in office for his super one man part in securing the UBS K3billion loan for Oil Search, a foreign company, bypassing established processes and procedures. Instead of acting on the advise of the Obudsman Commission, after long delay, the Public Prosecutor ask for more evidences before he refer the PM to face the leadership tribunal, acting beyond his powers as he can only act on what was provided to him by the Obudsman Commission. Now the nation must pray for a hero in the Public Prosecutor so that he can find peace in his heart to refer the PM to face the leadership tribunal and let the leadership tribunal alone decide whether the PM is guilty of misconduct in office or not. Now its about time we break free and show to the rest of the world that no matter what, we still have the choice to make a difference in shaping our future. The power we have is the choice we have whether to exercise it for common good or for personal gain. I hope that the Public Prosecutor will do the most right and honorable thing by referring the PM to face the leadership tribunal. ........................................................................ Photo by Bryan Kramer
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 21:03:09 +0000

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