If Peace means a state in which there is no war, freedom from - TopicsExpress


If Peace means a state in which there is no war, freedom from disturbance; tranquility. Why havent we find such peace in majority Muslim Countries, when we turn to Muslim Countries all we see is Violence and Bloodshed in the name of Islam. Islam means Peace when Muslims Fly Airplane into Buildings. Islam means Peace when Muslims blow up Churches, Shopping Mall, Market places, Mosques, Subways, Train Stations,attack Military and Police barracks. Islam means Peace when Muslims threaten to silent Criticism of Islam which carries Death Penalty under Islamic law. Islam means Peace as Islam teach Muslim men to beat their wives. Islam means Peace when Muslims behead people chanting Allahu AkbarAllahu Akbar. Islam means Peace when Muslims stone women to Death. Islam means Peace when Muslims are allow to marry 12 to 14yrs old little children. Islam means Peace as Muslims are thought to subjugate Women Islam means Peace as Quran thought Muslims to subjugate Non- Muslims. Islam means Peace as Imams preach hatred towards Non-Muslims in the Mosques. Islam means Peace as Muslims continue to kill fellow Muslims in almost all the Countries in the Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Northern Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya and other Muslim Countries. Islam means Peace as Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims continue to slaughter each other which has been going on for the 14000 Years. Islam means Peace as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States continue to fund and support Islamic terrorist Groups to terrorize those who dont share their view. Islam means Peace as all the Airports in US,UK,France and Germany are in high Security alerts for the fear of Islamic Terrorist attacks. Islam means peace when Muslims rape women and the Government demands that the victim must provide 4 Male witnesses for testimony according to Quran. Islam means Peace as Millions of Muslims are in Refuge Camps. Islam means Peace as Groups of Muslim continue to migrate to Non-Muslim Countries every single day. Islam means Peace as Muslims continue to trouble and violate Non-Muslim law in the West. Islam means Peace as women are forbidden to drive their cars under Sharia law. Islam means Peace as Boko Haram kidnapped more than 300 Northern Nigerian Christians and forced them to embrace Islam at gun point while reciting Quran. Islam means Peace as Sudanese Government threaten to kill apostasy for leaving Islam to Christianity. Islam means peace as its death penalty to leave Islam. Islam means Means a Quran commands that those who dont believe in Islam should be killed in Quran 3:151, Quran 3:56, Quran 4:74, Quran 4:76, Quran 4:89, Quran 4:95, Quran 4:104, Quran 5:33, Quran 8:12, Quran 8:15, Quran 8:39, Quran 8:57, Quran 8:59-60, Quran 8:65, Quran 9:5, Quran 9:14, Quran 9:20, Quran 9:29, Quran 9:30, Quran 9:38-39, Quran 9:41, Quran 9:73, Quran 9:88, Quran 9:111, Quran 9:123, Quran 17:16, Quran 18:65-81 and in so many other Quran violence verses. ---- Definition of Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s no fighting or war, everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom. In Muslims War-torn world, it seems like peace means Bloodshed in Islamic vocabulary. However peace can be big and small, seen in entire countries or brief moments. After a war, two countries may sign a peace treaty, agreeing to not fight anymore.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 23:13:02 +0000

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