If Republicans really care about the law, abuse of power, - TopicsExpress


If Republicans really care about the law, abuse of power, incompetence & the needless loss of lives. Why weren’t they outraged at the real crimes of Bush/Cheney? Why did they not call for hearings? Why did they not show even a fraction of the contempt they’ve shown to this Administration? We never heard them say, “We demand hearing on the Patient Neglect at Walter Reed.” Or “the US Attorney Firings is a total abuse of power!” How many Republicans said “I want to know who’s going to jail for the Outing of one of our CIA Agents!” None of them screamed “incompetence” when Bush ignored warning after warning about Al-Qaeda. Did any of them yell “you lie!“ when he lied about WMD’s? These same people where silent on the whole Iraq Custerf*ck. Which included, A lack of preparation for the occupation, too few troops, lack of training, lack of proper equipment, lack of securing loose Iraqi munitions, the CPA, cronyism, Paul Bremer. What about the 12 Billion in cash that just vanished in Iraq? 12 BILLION IN CASH! Enron, Halliburton, & Blackwater. What about NSA warrantless wiretapping, Cheney letting Big Oil write the Nation’s Energy Policy, and his refusal to divulge that participation? The real outrageous scandal, is that this is just the tip of what is an iceberg of Republican crimes. We are still waiting for Democrats & the Press to stand up & call these people out on their BS.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:25:48 +0000

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