If Scott Morrison is to be believed, we are in the midst of a - TopicsExpress


If Scott Morrison is to be believed, we are in the midst of a cloak and dagger war, with an armada of little brown suicide bombers by the million, paddling in bark canoes towards our shores. Our spiders, snakes, drop bears, sharks and crocodiles will be overwhelmed by this semi-human tide of actual and potential misery. So we have put a General in charge of the heroic task of keeping the pestilential hordes at bay. It is indeed a war and there must be security. We must not tell anyone what we are doing because we dont want people smugglers to know what we are going to do next. In fact we dont even want our own side to know what we are going to do next, in case there are scorches of regret, or our vision is blurred by the pepper-spray of humanitarianism , or we feel we are sinking in the stormy ocean of inhumanity. If Scott Morrison MHR is to be believed, we are not to speak the unspeakable, the press must be compliant and not mention such matters in the news and the heroes of our Nation are shock-jocks and fascist news columnists who want us to concentrate on Justin Beiber, Schapelle Corby and Ian Thorpe, instead. And Scott Morrison is not to be believed, either. Disloyal people keep sending anonymous reports from Christmas Island, Manus Island and Nauru. Traitors keep stumbling across bodies on the beach and wont shut up about it. Lifeboats, gifts from the Australian Navy, deliver starving people (Yes, they are actually people) back to not-so-grateful Indonesia. And the Indos are not holding their peace, either. And the Guardian News, because they are disloyal foreigners, cant be told to look away and button their lip. And dear old Auntie (the ABC) just cant help repeating this gossip over the back fence. Naughty old Auntie! She cant help telling the unadorned truth. They are coming for her ... The Navy is under orders. No rules of engagement. Just a slogan: Stop the Boats. Dont care how or why. Just Stop the Boats! And if the boats dont get stopped, General Campbell and General Molan will be the people to blame. No thought of making scapegoats of this absurd collection of dangerous, brainless ideologues who have come to govern over us.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 10:35:23 +0000

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