If YOU need to see a Doctor.. Be aware at whats happening to - TopicsExpress


If YOU need to see a Doctor.. Be aware at whats happening to Medicare.... If YOU need to go to Hospital..Be aware at whats happening to Our Health System.... If YOU are on any form of Centerlink Be it Family Income Supplement, Old Age Pension, Disability Pension, Unemployed Benefits... Be aware of whats happening... If YOU have children attending school Be aware of whats happening to THIER education system... If YOU work in an industry that you are paid Penalty Rates.... Then be aware of how they could be taken away from you.... Be aware that our media , television Newspapers etc are controlled and we are only told what they want us to know... And biased information is only available through social networks (For the time being anyway) And that laws are being passed to stop anyone protesting for their rights This new law will be enforced in Victoria in the next month or so... If YOU want to live in a country that is free from pollution and that cares for the environment ... Then be aware at whats intended For The Great Barrier Reef and our heritage listed forests in Tasmania And whats already happening in parts of this country through mining for coal and other minerals or through Fracking for cold stream gases... Because in some way or another EACH AND EVERYONE of us and our childrens future will be affected in some way !!!! Thats why it is SO IMPORTANT to BE AWARE ...... And let .... ANY RULING GOVERNMENT KNOW that we as Australian citizens HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE A SAY IN WHAT HAPPENS IN OUR COUNTRY !!!! And thats why it is so important TO ATTEND A PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATION like MARCH IN MARCH Today in Gosford at 10.45 am To let ANY government know we want a better future for our children..
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 21:23:08 +0000

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