If You Believe These Things... Another Response to the Right - TopicsExpress


If You Believe These Things... Another Response to the Right Wing YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that tax cuts for wealthy and big corporations “trickle down” & create jobs, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary....YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that a pregnant woman has to give birth to her baby NO MATTER WHAT, not only are you a Fascist Theocrat....YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that theres “widespread voter fraud” despite the lack of evidence of it ...YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that the GOP arent responsible for 90% of our national debt and that President Obama “tripled it”, youre a complete dumbass and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that government must be small and that all social service programs must be abolished to accomplish it, youre a Fascist Aristocrat and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe it was fine for the GW Bush (Bush 43) administration to lie their asses off to get us into a war with Iraq, youre highly delusional and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that funding the military should be done at the same level as all other programs combined, You are a Fascist and YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe signing the Norquist Pledge isnt an act of Sedition, not only are you a complete moron and a Seditionist, YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that the GOPs DC obstruction and nullification in the “Red” states arent acts of Insurrection, youre an Insurrectionist and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that gun ownership and usage is unlimited and supported by the Second Amendment, youre a Gun Nut and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe hundreds of thousands of “Wetbacks” pour over our southern border with Mexico each and every day, youre a racist and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that youre not getting “guvmint help” even though you get Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP (fka, Food Stamps), government contracts, etc. YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you rail against “Sharia Law” while advocating for a Christian version of it, YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe the foundation of our laws is based on The Holy Bible instead of the US Constitution, you are a Fascist and YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If youre a “Libertarian” or a Tea Party Militia member (“Teabagger” or “Teahadist”), sorry, kids, YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe any dissent or questioning of the GOP is treason or that “the terrorists have won” if thats done, Youre a Fascist AND A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that Bush 43 was fairly elected in both 2000 and 2004, youre Fascist and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe the GOP truly represent anyone other than fetuses, rich old white Conservative men and big corporations, YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe, despite obvious evidence to the contrary, that the GOP dont adhere to all 14 of the defining characteristics of Fascism, youre delusional and A REPUBLICAN! If you believe the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (GOP dog whistle term: Obamacare) is a bill and not settled law....YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! If you believe that labor unions are full of thugs and need to be suppressed or eliminated, youre a Fascist and A REPUBLICAN! If youre a GOP Progressive or Moderate and believe none of the above truthful statements are true, youre suffering from fear, ignorance and cognitive dissonance...and, oh, yeah: YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN! Written by Andrew Rei
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:28:27 +0000

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