If You DONT have goals for September, dont even read this posting. - TopicsExpress


If You DONT have goals for September, dont even read this posting. ( I am having FB block you right now. LOL) If you DO have goals for September, You WILL experience adversity ( ITS A LAW). This is why 95% of Americans have stopped setting goals.( they thought the adversity was personal & random......ITS NOT....ITS UNIVERSAL) If you dont know the SOURCE of ALL adversity it will be difficult for your leaders to mentor You........ Jeff L., John S., Rob D, Eric O. & many other leaders did NOT know the source of adversity, but eventually figured it out. ( CAUGHT NEVER TAUGHT) Adversitys goal is to make your problems appear much bigger than they are. Stop telling God how big your problems are & start telling adversity HOW BIG ALMIGHTY GOD IS. Perception IS reality. Every time I am faced with a challenge I say Lord if you could get Moses & over a million Jews through the Red Sea, YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS IDDY BIDDY PROBLEM FOR ME. Thats called Casting ALL your cares onto the LORD. Stop reacting to adversity, ITS STEALING YOUR PRECIOUS MOMEMTUM, RATHER RESPOND to adversity by saying: IS THAT ALL YOU GOT??????? EVERY ADVERSITY HAS WITHIN IT A BENEFIT EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE ADVERSITY ONLY IF..............YOU LOOK FOR IT!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 19:48:23 +0000

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