~ If You Deny Your Flesh, He carries you in Spirit because His - TopicsExpress


~ If You Deny Your Flesh, He carries you in Spirit because His Temple is YOU! ~ It’s extremely important that you hear me this morning and that I make myself abundantly clear, TIME is VERY, VERY SHORT to live in this life and you MUST prepare to walk in SPIRIT DAILY because the Spiritual War that the scriptures has warned us all about is about to begin and I mean it. In fact, It has already begun so I pray that you have on your full Armor of the Most High because we are about to go to battle and if you dont believe me just continue to Watch and PRAY! Today is Labor Day in America but to the Heavenly Father it means that it’s time to Labor to save souls here on earth that are all around you and prepare them for what’s about to happen to us all. I’m NOT trying to scare you are make you afraid, because the Heavenly Father makes it clear to fear NO EVIL. I’m just doing my job so please forgive me if I’m too Direct or Bold. Ive been warning you all for years now that something is coming and I have told you something BIG was about to happen and Ive always told you the TRUTH! It IS ABOUT to HAPPEN! Although I may have been off on some specific dates of some predicted destruction that I taught would follow the actual event which I will NEVER do again, I was always correct on the substance of the event that would occur and it always did happen minus the destruction in the world that I felt would occur during the actual event and I ask for your forgiveness for being OVER zealous in my prediction and the Heavenly Father and the Set Apart Spirit has already scolded me for that as well because NO ONE knows when or where the destruction is going to occur but rest assured in ONE thing, It’s COMING SOON! I’m man enough to admit when Ive made a mistake and I ask for your forgiveness because sometimes I too misread the signs that I know the spirit is giving me to warn you on but Ive learned to stay in my lane and ONLY give to you EXACTLY what the Spirit gives to ME and NOTHING MORE even if I THINK IT or feel that it may occur, I WILL ONLY GIVE to YOU what THE SPIRIT GIVES to ME from NOW on, PERIOD! It does NOT take away from the fact that I was called to do this JOB or to my mission, I just MUST stay in my LANE and TEACH and NOT predict DATES or TIMES because that’s ONLY for the Heavenly Father to know and Hes shown me that, He just wants us ALL to be ready and that’s why He sent ME, To WARN YOU! Please keep in mind I am still HUMAN and interpreting 6000 year old scripture and I’m amazed and HONORED that the Heavenly Father has even chosen me as one of His soldiers that would stand up for Him in that day and fight on His behalf and I’m VERY committed to my mission for the Most High and I plan to continue to empower you and others daily until He calls me home or turns off the lights of life and I mean that with all of my heart because I KNOW Ive been CALLED for THIS this Mission and for this DAY! Many of you are beginning to feel things in your spirit and beginning to feel a spiritual pull daily and the Heavenly Father wanted me to tell all of you that, that is Him pulling on you towards Him and that He loves you very much and needs for you to seek His face daily. The Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) told me that there is a reason you are having those dreams and thinking those spiritual taughts and tossing and turning at night and that He needs for you to listen to Your SPIRIT, NOW! Not necessarily to me Ranford Flemings, but to your OWN Spirit and voice that is speaking to you because His Message to you is CLEAR and He wants you to know that it’s HIM pulling YOU. I am NOT the ONLY person the Heavenly Father has called to action, I’m just one of the only ones that have OBEYED His spirit, that’s the ONLY difference between YOU and I PERIOD and please know that! The Heavenly Father has carried many of you for years during your life and Now He wants you to get down and walk on your own and fight for Him on this earth because He needs you NOW more than EVER. If you ask me Ranford, what does the Heavenly Father want from me? My answer is CLEAR! He wants you from this DAY forward to LIVE for HIM and DENY your FLESH and worldly desires, PERIOD! He wants you for the FIRST TIME in your life to wake up each day with ONLY Him on your mind and nothing else. He wants you to wake up each day and walk in His Spirit and LOVE EVERYONE as you LOVE yourself; this is what He wants for EVERYONE that reads this Post Today to do because time is SHORT! Do you really LOVE HIM? Do you really believe in His Name? Do you really believe that He rose from the dead on the third day? He told me to tell you this morning if you answered YES to all of these questions I just asked, than SHOW HIM! The ONLY way that He will know if you’re sincere or NOT is in how you live your life from this DAY forward, it’s LABOR DAY and it’s time to rest from MAN’s work and It’s time to start Laboring for Your Heavenly Father in Heaven because He’s Hiring Spiritual Soldiers and He NEEDS your Help! It’s time that you DENY your Flesh and all these Worldly desires and begin to walk in Spirit with the Father and His ONLY Son. He has carried you this far, now He needs for you to carry Him in your SPIRIT Daily. When you thought you were having a bad night of sleep all those nights it was really Him pulling and tossing you and waking you up. If you ask me Ranford, who was that keeping me tossing and turning and from sleeping at night? My answer is CLEAR and I know for a fact, Yahshua is His Name and He has come back to take you home in Spirit but He needs for you to walk with Him Daily in Spirit and in Truth as you PROCLAIM His Name DAILY because He’s on His Way Back to get you because His TEMPLE is complete in YOU. Carry Him DAILY in Your HEART and in SPIRIT because His temple is YOU! and Dont EVER forget that! Shalom=Peace!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:27:11 +0000

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