If You Have Time, Come With Me... Come with me back to a hillside - TopicsExpress


If You Have Time, Come With Me... Come with me back to a hillside during the days when Jesus walked in Israel. Sit down in the grass and prepare yourself for some great teaching from the young evangelist of Nazareth. Who knows we might even see a miracle? Matthew 15:29-31 Departing from there, Jesus went along by the Sea of Galilee, and having gone up on the mountain, He was sitting there. 30 And large crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them. 31 So the crowd marveled as they saw the mute speaking, the crippled restored, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel. Now on the hillside, the crowd becomes very quiet, Jesus takes His seat and begins to speak. His words are so smooth, He is so natural, His voice so clear. As you gaze around and study the crowd, you see all of them drinking in each word, as from the fountain of living water. Their faces are so alive as they lean forward to catch every chosen word. But why? What would make a weary, hungry group of people follow this young man? Wanting to hear more from this wandering teacher? Two things, He is bringing a message of Hope and He is like one of them, Not like the Religious ones who are Arrogant, Prideful and Self Righteous and accept no questions. Placing themselves higher than the common person. And Jesus always preached the Truth and He would not just tickle the ears, telling the people what they wanted to hear, to win them over to Him. While the Pharisees were preaching The Law, Jesus was simply offering the Good News of the Kingdom. There was a big difference in the two, The Pharisees’ teaching the Law that Trapped people into Rules and Regulations to be followed, with No Love. But Jesus offered Freedom, Hope, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness. The Pharisees demanded Confessions and Punishment under the Law, Jesus extended Forgiveness, Mercy and Love, to Everyone. Jesus spoke about people and life and a Personal, Living God, Who loved you so much, a God that you could know and Love in a personal Relationship. The Pharisees were prideful and they always wanted to attract an audience, by their Self Righteousness. Jesus was Righteous but Humble and Truthful and He always had a crowd wanting to follow Him and hear His Words. Jesus used Humor and told parables or spiritual stories, that people could relate to in their own lives. Jesus always spoke of His Heavenly Father in friendly and loving terms. Smiles were on the faces of most of the people where ever He went. He was very popular and His enemies were very worried, that the people would not want to listen to them. Jesus was a welcome guest, the children loved Him and He always made time for them and for anyone who needed Him. He brought comfort to women and was a role model for men. He loved the pitiful and they loved him back. Sinners were always welcomed! People traveled great distances to see and hear Him. But they never needed an appointment. Even those who hated Him and tried to trap Him or catch Him doing something wrong couldn’t seem to stay away. He was gentle, yet powerful, but with a simple lifestyle. His teachings was without pride and He did not pretend. His Words were Divine, and the people were amazed at His teaching, “For He spoke as one having authority and not as the scribes.” He used words like, “I am the light of the world,” or “I am the good shepherd,” everyone knew His meaning. And everyone knew when He confronted the prideful Pharisees, Sadducees and Scriibes and the Religious crowd. Calling them “You blind guides”. Jesus told some about God and the coming Gift of the Helper! He always showed Gods Grace in Action and Grace was not difficult to understand. That message of Grace, Mercy and Love, was seen and heard whenever the Messiah engaged the people. And it was always offered to everyone as a simple message of Hope and Love from God the Father. ARE YOU listening to the right message today? The message of Law and Punishment from those who are Self Righteous? OR The message of Freedom, Love, Hope, Grace, Mercy and Salvation through Faith in Jesus the Christ and what He has done for you? 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.....is the pure Gospel of Grace. Have you received the Gift of the Indwelling Holy Spirit and been Born Again and are you following His leading in your life? If not, then come and hear what Jesus has to say today....it Just Might just be the best thing you have ever heard! God loves you so very much.... https://youtube/watch?v=KFvDvqjN8gM&feature=fvwrel
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:45:18 +0000

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