If You Ignorant Liberal Followers,only had any Common - TopicsExpress


If You Ignorant Liberal Followers,only had any Common Sense.... What is Marxism? In order to do justice in answering this question, suppose we identify what I consider the fifteen principal marks of Marxism, You might compare them to the four marks of the Church founded by Christ. Marxism is a godless religion in which its leaders believe, shall I say, with a faith comparable to that of believing Christians. The best single source to understand Marxism is the Communist Manifesto. The best single analysis of Marxism is the encyclical on Atheistic Communism by Pope Pius XI in which he identifies Marxism as a Utopian Messianism, 1. Messianic Ideal. According to Karl Marx, mankind should look forward to the attainment of a Messianic society in this world, which is the highest ideal toward which the human race can tend. The attainment of such a society presumes mans perfectibility, and is based on the belief that the human desire for happiness will be fulfilled on earth in some future period of history. 2. Equality and Fraternity. This idyllic society will be distinguished by the practice of perfect equality and fraternity among its members. It will be the last stage in a series of five stages of human development, reflecting the original state of man in a tribal and communitarian society, namely slavery, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and communism. In the first three of these stages, men exploit one another; in the fourth (socialism) they are passing through an interval of adjustment; and in the fifth (communism) the classless society is achieved. 3. Economic Progress Through Marxism. Confirmation of the myth of Marxism is the remarkable material progress already attained in places where its ideology has been put into practice. It is, therefore, no longer a merely speculative position but an established fact that a Marxist philosophy succeeds where others had failed. 4. Dialectical and Historical Materialism. According to all its philosophers, Marxism is founded on two kinds of materialism, the dialectical and historical. It is materialism because it claims there exists only one reality, matter. It is dialectical because through the interaction of opposing material forces all apparently higher forms of being evolve – first life, then sentient beings, and finally man. It is historical because, now that man exists, human history follows the same evolving pattern towards higher perfection, but uniquely through the interaction of the material (economic) forces of society. 5. Accelerating Progress Through Conflict. Consistent with its stress on dialectics, Marxism holds that the progress of humanity toward its predicted goal is accelerated by human conflict. Hence the role of revolution as a necessary means of fostering social development and the importance of sharpening the antagonisms which already exist or can be stimulated between various classes of society. 6. Marxist Deviation. There is only one grave sin in Marxian morality. It is committed by those who deviate from the ideal of relentless revolution. Within the Marxist camp, left and right are measured by the degree of departure from or conformity to this need for violence as the precondition for an eventual warless society. 7. Primacy of the Group. The individual in a Marxian society surrenders his personal rights in favor of the group. He does this, after long indoctrination, on the conviction that part of the contribution toward the eventual rise of a classless commonwealth is the complete sacrifice of his own personality, 8. Equality Among People. In mans relations with other individuals, Marxism holds that only absolute equality is legitimate. It rejects all civil and ecclesiastical authority as grounded on the will of God, and denies any innate authority of parents over their children. What people call authority or subordination is derived from the community as its source and only foundation. 9. Denial of All Property Rights. Not without reason did Marx and Engels state in their Communist Manifesto that The theory of Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. They meant it to be taken in absolute literalness. In Marxian ethics, no individual should be granted any rights over material goods or the means of production. This is because history has shown that private property is the universal source of further wealth, and personal possession gives one man power over another. All forms of private property, therefore, must be eliminated because they are the origin of every economic enslavement. 10. The Artificial Institutions of Marriage and the Family. Since Marxism denies any sacred or spiritual character to human life beyond the merely economic, it logically claims that marriage and the family are purely civil and, in fact, merely artificial institutions. They are the outcome of an outmoded economic system. There are no moral bonds of marriage. There are only such privileges as the collectivity may see fit to grant persons to mate and procreate, for the sake of the collectivity and subject to its conditions. An indissoluble marriage bond may be humored by the state, but it has no inherent rights before the civil law. 11. The Emancipation of Women. Marxism is especially characterized by its rejection of any link that binds women to the family and the home. Womens emancipation is proclaimed as a cardinal principle of the socialist interim that will usher in the classless society of the future. Women are to be first encouraged and then, if need be, compelled to withdraw from the family and the care of children. These are regularly stigmatized bourgeois activities, Liberated from household chores and the rearing of a family through thousands of childcare centers, women are to be thrust instead into public life and collective production under the same conditions as men. 12. No Parental Rights in Education. Correlative with the function of women as robots (Russian for work), the collectivity assumes the total responsibility for the education and training of children. The euphemistic statement in the Manifesto, Free education for all children in public schools, has been implemented to mean that the state alone has the right to educate. In practice, this has further meant that the state, and not the parents, has the exclusive prerogative to determine who shall teach, under what curriculum, with what textbooks, and how the matter is communicated. The previous mandate of the Manifesto (number 10) should be joined with another mandate (number 6), that is, Centralization of the means of communication. . . in the hands of the state. 13. Economics, the Basis of Society. In the Marxian scheme of society, economics is the fundamental law of human existence. It is not freedom, or human rights, or a divinely established moral order, or the pursuit of happiness, or the service of God, but uniquely the advancement of the economic system. Greater production of material goods, more efficiently, in a more collectivized manner – this is the bedrock of a society’s well being. This must be given precedence over everything else; as everything else mentioned must be subordinated to technological productivity. 14. The Collectivity Controls the Individual. Six of the ten principal measures of the Manifesto affirm in clear language how completely Marxism sees the individual as a tool in the hands of the state: Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes; abolition of all rights of inheritance; centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of... an exclusive monopoly; centralization of the means of... transport in the hands of the State; extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; equal liability of all to labor; establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. State totalitarianism could not be more complete or the subjugation of individual to the common plan devised by the collectivity. 15. Disappearance of the State. According to Marxist predictions, this tyrannical enslavement to the State is the necessary radical surgery which must be performed on society in order to give birth to a new society – never before dreamed possible in the history of mankind. Synonyms are accumulated to describe this prophetic vision. It will be a society in which the public power will lose its political character; a society in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. For the time being, during the period of socialism, the state dictatorship of the proletariat is necessary. But, by means of the Marxist revolution, the proletariat will be abolished in its own supremacy as a class. In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association in which all conflicts are gone
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:53:12 +0000

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