If You Love Freedom Then You Are a Mentally Ill Terrorist—Your - TopicsExpress


If You Love Freedom Then You Are a Mentally Ill Terrorist—Your Government Says So "Andrei Snezhnevsky of the “Moscow School of Psychiatry” came up with a designer disorder which he called “Sluggish Schizophrenia.” An unusual characteristic of this malignant malady is that no one knows you have it, especially you. Some of its more perfidious symptoms are “delusions of reform, perseverance, and struggling for truth and justice.” Luckily the Soviet government had psychiatrists trained to sniff out just those kinds of symptoms. This brings me around to my friend Harry Butler whom I discussed in my last article. Harry was arrested by the Secret Service and spent a year in prison because he rattled some cages while trying to bring attention to what he considered (and still considers) to be Obama’s ineligibility to be POTUS. He attempted to defend the US Constitution, and The Powers That Be felt that he needed to be made an example of. The first thing that government agents did was to visit various members of Harry’s family and tell them that Harry needed psychiatric help. No doubt the agents felt he was suffering from sluggish schizophrenia—fortunately they had the right sort of psychiatrists on hand to diagnose the symptoms (delusions of reform, perseverance, struggling for truth, and so forth). Unfortunately for Harry such a serious diagnosis could not be rushed—it takes time to ferret out the symptoms. So Harry was arrested and then transported in chains from prison to prison in order to be properly “evaluated”—the process took days, and weeks, then months. Most everyone knows the story of the clear-eyed child who sees the truth in “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In a similar vein, there’s an old saying that in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. Unfortunately we live in a time and place where the clear-eyed child and one-eyed man are clapped in chains, thrown in a cell, and “evaluated” by psychiatrists. To paraphrase Voltaire, “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” Harry saw the obvious: that in any sane world Obama’s history of radicalism, crafted backstory, anemic private-sector record, hidden history, invisible paper trail, lack of Natural Born status, and bogus “birth certificate(s)” made him ineligible to be POTUS—both constitutionally and commonsensically. The elites cannot allow such “heresy” to gain traction among the masses, of course. The shouts of a one-eyed man must be stilled and the blind encouraged to go back to groping in the dirt. "
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 20:08:55 +0000

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