If You Now Believe That Black People Are Their Own Worst Enemy and - TopicsExpress


If You Now Believe That Black People Are Their Own Worst Enemy and That Whites Are Inherently Better: You Have Been Successfully Brainwashed! Unfortunately, the modern system presently use to maintain white supremacy has caused far too many African Americans to believe that the worst problems we face as a people are “ourselves.” How many times have you heard someone of African ancestry say that “we Black people are our own worst enemy?” If you have lived among African people in this country for any length of time, I am sure you have heard this remark made many times. If African Americans are going to ever have a serious mental breakthrough in terms of how we analyze our condition in America, we will have to resolve the question “are we our own worst enemy,” or has the system of white supremacy created a set of conditions that implies as such while continuing to keep us in an oppressed state? It is not some massive coincident that so many people of African ancestry have come to believe that “we Black people are our own worst enemy and that whites are inherently better”. These black self-hating/white praising sentiments have been intentional embedded into collective minds of many Black people by way of a massive psychological warfare program. A PSYOP social engineering program used to instill the myth of white superiority into the collective Black conscious as a means of maintaining white dominance and control. This literary work is not about peddling Black victim-hood. It is not some conspiracy theory premise that perpetuates Black defeatism. Nor is it a frivolous attempt to misplace blame in order to absolve ourselves of our own responsibilities. It is a profound truth that we have been trained not to see-- trained by the false world that has been pulled over our eyes by an elaborate media driven psychological warfare program totally orchestrated by the ruling white elites. A basic protocol of psychological warfare (as taught within the FBI Training Academy at Quantico) states that the way to overcome a physical disadvantage is to create and establish a psychological advantage. Another basic protocol of psychological warfare states that to suppress a targeted group you must condition them to believe that they are their own worst enemy--Therefore turning their aggressions inward towards the collective self. When the past blatant methods (i.e. Jim Crow and COINTEL PRO) used for maintaining white dominance had ran its course, thus became no longer morally and socially acceptable the white ruling societal elites secretly reincarnated its method of defending its white dominance by utilizing these same proven psychological warfare protocols against its entire Black population. Presently Black people are targets of the largest media driven psychological warfare campaign in history. A modern racist system that uses media driven-ideological subversion- psychological warfare- programs designed to adversely shape the collective perceptions of black populations as a means of maintaining and defending the current ruling white statuesque. Today-- through totally white elite controlled national media outlets -- African Americans are being deliberately bombarded by false negative derogatory anti-Black imageries, misinformation and statistics that are designed to falsely perpetuate the myth of white moral and intellectual superiority over its black population. A national setting of wherein which the Black psyche is so bombarded by negative misinformation of themselves that it becomes literally easier, for many blacks to actually acquire the belief that the problem of Black America has more to do with themselves than that of white racism. It is also designed to divide, confused and produced internalized racism and self-hatred among its African American population. This mass manipulation program has been in fact so successful and effective that today many blacks will lash out in anger at other blacks for merely making the claims that such a system exist. This ongoing social engineering program is the core factor of the now appearance of unprecedented profound division, confused outlook, and many disparities now afflicting modern Black America. Moreover it is the largest,most sophisticated, proficient and arguably the most devastating racist system to confront African Americans since slavery. In resolving the question of why would the white ruling elites implement such a program we should reflect that for over four hundred years America’s white ruling elites have openly discussed African people as a problem (1600 - 1900). Throughout America’s history its ruling elites have historically referred to the growth and demand for equality of its Black populous as “the Negro Problem”. Today they still discuss us as a problem, but the language is coded differently. This system provides a more socially acceptable means for addressing the Negro problem thus maintaining white dominance. It is a covert method better suited for the changing times. Its national media’s negative portrayal of Black people is also designed to create a consensual environment -before the world audience- that allows the U.S. government to disproportionately mistreat its Black population through its judicial and prison systems.[its justifies the disproportioned incarceration of its black populous] Moreover, it also meets the governments objective of maintaining its white dominance by producing psychological feelings among its Black population that pulverizes Black unity thus reducing black upward mobility. This racist system is unlike the blatant overt types used in the past that resulted in Black people unifying themselves against it. Nor is it easily recognized or comprehended by most of its Black victims. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. Because most people have never heard of this method of asserting White racism, many will find it too shocking and stunning to contemplate. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of its Black victims may have little, if any hope of extricating themselves from its detrimental effects. In order to recognize this modern racist ideological subversion program Black people must reexamine some of their most basic beliefs and prior assumptions; and they must also overcome a psychologically ingrained “White is right” preferentiality that has been thoroughly indoctrinated upon the collective Black psyche. While this may present quite a daunting challenge for many, however the benefit of doing so and reading this literature will create a positive change upon the Black psyche from feelings of hopelessness and despair to an awareness of the most urgent issue of our time. Although this literature commonly uses the term African Americans, much of what is discussed is applicable to African people throughout the world. It is the most detrimental racist system ever to confront Black people. There is in fact no fight more pressing for we Black people than exposing this modern racist system. For this is not one that we can afford to leave for yet another generation this is one that we must fight and win now or die trying because our liberation from despair is dependent upon it. From the book entitled the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones This system is a real life Black Matrix. Wake up Black people!! The Black Matrix (c) 2006, revised 2012 by Franklin Jones. Order your copy at theblackpeoplematrix The Black Matrix: A Perception Management Program to Control Black People If You Now Believe That Black People Are Their Own Worst Enemy and That Whites Are Inherently Better: You Have Been Successfully Brainwashed! Unfortunately, the modern system presently use to maintain white supremacy has caused far too many African Americans to believe that the worst problems we face as a people are “ourselves.” How many times have you heard someone of African ancestry say that “we Black people are our own worst enemy?” If you have lived among African people in this country for any length of time, I am sure you have heard this remark made many times. If African Americans are going to ever have a serious mental breakthrough in terms of how we analyze our condition in America, we will have to resolve the question “are we our own worst enemy,” or has the system of white supremacy created a set of conditions that implies as such while continuing to keep us in an oppressed state? It is not some massive coincident that so many people of African ancestry have come to believe that “we Black people are our own worst enemy and that whites are inherently better”. These black self-hating/white praising sentiments have been intentional embedded into collective minds of many Black people by way of a massive psychological warfare program. A PSYOP social engineering program used to instill the myth of white superiority into the collective Black conscious as a means of maintaining white dominance and control. This literary work is not about peddling Black victim-hood. It is not some conspiracy theory premise that perpetuates Black defeatism. Nor is it a frivolous attempt to misplace blame in order to absolve ourselves of our own responsibilities. It is a profound truth that we have been trained not to see-- trained by the false world that has been pulled over our eyes by an elaborate media driven psychological warfare program totally orchestrated by the ruling white elites. A basic protocol of psychological warfare (as taught within the FBI Training Academy at Quantico) states that the way to overcome a physical disadvantage is to create and establish a psychological advantage. Another basic protocol of psychological warfare states that to suppress a targeted group you must condition them to believe that they are their own worst enemy--Therefore turning their aggressions inward towards the collective self. When the past blatant methods (i.e. Jim Crow and COINTEL PRO) used for maintaining white dominance had ran its course, thus became no longer morally and socially acceptable the white ruling societal elites secretly reincarnated its method of defending its white dominance by utilizing these same proven psychological warfare protocols against its entire Black population. Presently Black people are targets of the largest media driven psychological warfare campaign in history. A modern racist system that uses media driven-ideological subversion- psychological warfare- programs designed to adversely shape the collective perceptions of black populations as a means of maintaining and defending the current ruling white statuesque. Today-- through totally white elite controlled national media outlets -- African Americans are being deliberately bombarded by false negative derogatory anti-Black imageries, misinformation and statistics that are designed to falsely perpetuate the myth of white moral and intellectual superiority over its black population. A national setting of wherein which the Black psyche is so bombarded by negative misinformation of themselves that it becomes literally easier, for many blacks to actually acquire the belief that the problem of Black America has more to do with themselves than that of white racism. It is also designed to divide, confused and produced internalized racism and self-hatred among its African American population. This mass manipulation program has been in fact so successful and effective that today many blacks will lash out in anger at other blacks for merely making the claims that such a system exist. This ongoing social engineering program is the core factor of the now appearance of unprecedented profound division, confused outlook, and many disparities now afflicting modern Black America. Moreover it is the largest,most sophisticated, proficient and arguably the most devastating racist system to confront African Americans since slavery. In resolving the question of why would the white ruling elites implement such a program we should reflect that for over four hundred years America’s white ruling elites have openly discussed African people as a problem (1600 - 1900). Throughout America’s history its ruling elites have historically referred to the growth and demand for equality of its Black populous as “the Negro Problem”. Today they still discuss us as a problem, but the language is coded differently. This system provides a more socially acceptable means for addressing the Negro problem thus maintaining white dominance. It is a covert method better suited for the changing times. Its national media’s negative portrayal of Black people is also designed to create a consensual environment -before the world audience- that allows the U.S. government to disproportionately mistreat its Black population through its judicial and prison systems.[its justifies the disproportioned incarceration of its black populous] Moreover, it also meets the governments objective of maintaining its white dominance by producing psychological feelings among its Black population that pulverizes Black unity thus reducing black upward mobility. This racist system is unlike the blatant overt types used in the past that resulted in Black people unifying themselves against it. Nor is it easily recognized or comprehended by most of its Black victims. It is so well disguised that although many of its Black victims may instinctively feel that there is something wrong, they are however unable to sufficiently conceptualize it so that they can unify and defend themselves against it. Because most people have never heard of this method of asserting White racism, many will find it too shocking and stunning to contemplate. It is so sophisticated that even the very brightest of its Black victims may have little, if any hope of extricating themselves from its detrimental effects. In order to recognize this modern racist ideological subversion program Black people must reexamine some of their most basic beliefs and prior assumptions; and they must also overcome a psychologically ingrained “White is right” preferentiality that has been thoroughly indoctrinated upon the collective Black psyche. While this may present quite a daunting challenge for many, however the benefit of doing so and reading this literature will create a positive change upon the Black psyche from feelings of hopelessness and despair to an awareness of the most urgent issue of our time. Although this literature commonly uses the term African Americans, much of what is discussed is applicable to African people throughout the world. It is the most detrimental racist system ever to confront Black people. There is in fact no fight more pressing for we Black people than exposing this modern racist system. For this is not one that we can afford to leave for yet another generation this is one that we must fight and win now or die trying because our liberation from despair is dependent upon it. From the book entitled the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones This system is a real life Black Matrix. Wake up Black people!! The Black Matrix (c) 2006, revised 2012 by Franklin Jones. Order your copy at theblackpeoplematrix
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:05:39 +0000

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