If a bunch of hard working mexicans in mexico kill a bunch of - TopicsExpress


If a bunch of hard working mexicans in mexico kill a bunch of mexicans no united states law has been broken....if a mexican kills a mexican in the usa there is risk of going to a us prison ..turn a negative into a win/win....if tourism is down,flip the reason ovet to be the attraction...it costs $50,000 a year to keep a mexican in jail in the usa ..hmm...so who is an at risk candidate ...well just in the 1920s they deported mexicans regardless of where they were born...that was a bit harsh..so how about an exchange program....if an unacompanied child crosses the border going north bienvenidos young lady,but lets go ti juvinile hall and send a few back to michoacan. coming to america for a better life will not make you an american,evolving ,creating a better union,morality,honesty,respect for others,pre 80s feminist movement,being trusted with investment money,planning a sewer system 25 years ahead,women in charge of family size,air jordan shoe riots,and rvs,all of these things .....hard work is the inteligent mans inspiration to solve a problem,im going to sneak into a mexican funetal and when they start talking about hard work i will have a platform and audience ya see the backhoe replaced the shovel.....which is harder?....if a person came for hard work they are a liar in the bleeding eyes of our lady of guatamala....hard work is south mi amigo...ya see good men roamed america and hung all the bad guys or someone similar looking to satisfy the mayor,yes i respect all the mexicans who stand up to the cartells because that is the only hard work that is needed,...sorry the usa was made by folks getting a high percentage of the employers profit...now orphans used to go on a train to omaha nebraska and the farmers would go pick them up...foster kids cost $1000. a month...can the kid work that off now? Now here is where im confused,if mexicans cant own guns in mexico but they cross the border as a kid,get citizenship they can then own a gun in the united states? ,now the motorcycle cops in costa rica pull over gringo looking motorcycle tourists and demand a $15 bribe ...now if a costa rican child became a us citizen and became a police officer should she be allowrd to be a female motorcycle officer? Or should her american born future daughter be better ? See its not about where you were born its about weak fathers ,find the number of current hard working immigrants and imagine your great grandfather being a better man than that many millions of cowards,no we didnt need anyones help winning ww2 and getting fins on caddilacs....its too late to celibrate the momentum of the ride is slowing,we are done..we did it ourselves look at the old year books at the estate sale,yep moreno valley had 1 murder from the begining of time til 1985 now they have 100 per year,why are people working so hard to kill? If a mexican who is not a us citizen kills a mexican who is not a us citizen near an undefind border what is cheaper? To push the dreamers south? Now if thete was no border like begining deep thinkers imagine,how would the kids know when they have traveled far enough ? Is mickey mouse in the cacti ? Hmmm....well their goal is to get further away from mexicans,so how would they know when they traveled enough? well ill tell you when...its where children are honored...and the laws cover all children...and the ladys love their childern so much they choose the man to have them with and they have less then 10 babys because if ya cant feed em dont breed em,yes every bit of border wilk be torn down this will bring back manufacturing that needs the labor base,and eventualy the previous populus will be irrelevant ,the policies will be needed to protect the remaining previous kids getting beaten on the bus...califirnia was once mexico,right now it is not officialy mexicio....mexicans was to come to califirnia ....why is it better? ...if a kid crosses the border and gets citizenship can he now celibrate that his country went from the steam engine to the moin in 60 years? did his country do that? Hes waving a little flag...now if all these millions of people come here to own 2 cars a quad and shirts with printing on them what dies that do for pollution they did ok without cars for 600 years why now? Why here? Who are you acting like to own a car? How can an aztec temple be painted on a tail gate of a truck ? at this point they are building houses for each other,they are farming to feed each other,they wernt fooled by the beach boys records. Indigionous tribes united,then banded with all imigrants,all marginalized then they got all the women who are 51% so we pray for mercy at the changing of the gaurd, they want a neighborhood with garbage pick up,they want sewer systems and not have to put shit paper in the garbage can,they want their apoendix remived,and gold plastic windshield wiper clip ons and they coukd have it all if two issues were addressed,#1. Will you admitt who made the usa better and admit that women are smarter than men? Cmon now im holding a green card in one hand and a gun to your silver outlined tooth.....#2 will you return toi fix el salvador ? Or are you going to become a public school teacher and sit in an a/c classroom and tell the melting pot story? Hmm did a melting pot make A/c? Then run the sociology film,.. looks like this place was sitting here for 5000 years and one component was added to that pot,when this is acknowledged the borders will be open,and the united states police will all retire at once,then mexicans can run every police station every office....and now the dream is dead because for the dream to have existed one society had to be trusted with the industrial revolution,snd all those critical of former police will have their wish and chicken fighting and marijuana and burning trash is ok,school ends a 8th grade and you get free spray paint at dodgers games,yep you can have it,but please restore classic cars to prove some one (who did two things) was here before.. what two things? 1 ended something that had been going on since the romans... Yes some participated and ruined a lot...but the american man fought a war that ended slavery ,yep...what else? Figjt fire with fire well germany was doing pretty good in ww2.... So who beat him? Mexicans? Peruvians? Nicaraguans? Irish? English....oh no,see there was alot of pure germanic bloodlines here,they went back and german americans beat the nazis,while the japaneese americans werein their resorts... So when thete are no more borders just do that small favor muchas gracias,here are the keys,enjoy!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 06:54:13 +0000

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