If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had been the man to order - TopicsExpress


If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had been the man to order the death of Osama bin Ladin, Republicans would have been celebrating his great accomplishment. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had stopped a recession from becoming a depression, Republicans would be calling him the greatest president since FDR. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had been born in Hawaii, Republicans would be applauding the state for producing a great American. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had attended a church in Chicago, Republicans would be nodding their heads at the fact at how wonderful it was to have such an obvious Christian in the White house. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had put forth a health care plan that covered every person in the country, Republicans would be applauding his accomplishment. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had saved General Motors, Republicans would be singing his praises. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had fought to properly fund services for our veterans, Republicans would be calling him an amazingly effective Commander-in-Chief. If a hypothetical President Mitt Romney had been personally attacked and obstructed at every turn by Democrats because they were more intent on seeing the country fail in order to blame that failure on him than they were of properly doing their job, Republicans would be questioning their patriotism for taking such actions. Now, knowing that all of the above statements are absolutely and completely true, there are two questions that every Republican must now ask themselves. The first question is, would Mitt Romney have to be black, a Democrat, or both in order for all of these things to suddenly become unacceptable and worthy of criticism in your eyes? And once you have an answer to that question, keep it in mind when you answer the second question, which is, when did you decide to put your loyalty to the Republican Party ahead of your loyalty to the United States of America? Think long and hard on these questions, please, because the rest of us are utterly gobsmacked at what you, our fellow Americans, have become in your obsessive and pointless need to demonize Barack Obama.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:32:08 +0000

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