If a person doesnt have any fear of God, they are capable of doing - TopicsExpress


If a person doesnt have any fear of God, they are capable of doing anything their wicked heart desires. You can get past the mud of people telling you they believe in Christ, and get down where the rubber meets the road where the truth lives, if you will only examine the fruit they produce. Ive heard people say I fear no man. I am not the same, first I fear God, then I fear the man who doesnt fear Him. People who believe in God, but dint fear His justice are the worst kind. They believe in a loving god, blind to justice and righteousness, when the bible says that righteousness and justice are the foundation of Gods throne. God does love us, but He loves justice eternally more than us. Dont get Gods love for us and His love for justice confused. He served justice on Himself so that we could have the chance not to face Him in the same, but rather to be able to stand before him under mercy and grace. Friend, we shouldnt have fear of man, but to fear what an ungoldy man can do, is proper. He who trusts in man is a fool, so dont be fooled by the trust you place in others. There is only One Who is capable of actually keeping His word, Jesus Christ the Righteous. Friend, do you know Him? If you died tonight do you know that you would go to heaven? Dont be as the bible says, and hold to a form and fashon of godliness but deny His power to kill the body and then cast the soul into Hell. Today may be your day, and if it is, when your eyes and my eyes meet on that great terrible day of judgment, you wont be able to look at me and say why didnt you tell me?. Im telling you now, every lie, everything you stole or when you hated or looked wih lust or used Gods name as a cuss word, earned your rightful place in a devils Hell. God offers grace, to any and all who will come to Him and ask. But He has nothing for you if you dont even believe in Him. Friend, wont you get to know Him before your appointed day with death comes? He loves us all so much, enough to not let this world keep going the way it is. It will end, either with this earth being judged by fire or by your own lifes expiration. Today is the best day to make the most important decision of your life. Tomorrow may never come friend.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:02:16 +0000

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