If a person feels that they need” to do an MRI, then thats - TopicsExpress


If a person feels that they need” to do an MRI, then thats their choice, which might be a life saving choice. I think it’s just good to know about the magnetic forces that are at play when putting your head into one of these machines. Me personally, I would avoid doing an MRI at all costs… Check it out…! It get’s crazier the further you go into this 2:49 video….Did you ever wonder just how powerful a magnet from an MRI machine might be? Using a desk chair, this video demonstrates the incredible strength of the magnet. Oh! This also provides a very good lesson about why it’s best to keep metal away from the MRI machine…! We may have heard many times from people who are afraid to have an MRI because they feel claustrophobic. We also hear that some people cannot have an MRI because they have a metal plate or anything containing metal in their body. According to Mayo Clinic, “Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues within your body.” (1) MRI machines are typically large magnetic tubes, which explains why those who have a fear of enclosed places have an issue with this treatment. This is how it works. While you are lying in this giant tube, the magnetic field is realigning hydrogen atoms in your body. As Mayo Clinic further explains, “Radio waves cause these aligned atoms to produce very faint signals, which are used to create cross-sectional MRI images.” MRIs are popular because they provide “non-invasive” images of organs, tissues and the skeletal system, which can be used to help diagnose many different disorders. (1) https://youtube/watch?v=6BBx8BwLhqg Eric Plott Clare Plott Eric Plott Plott Palm Trees Plott Palm Trees Girls E.G.Plott Plott Palm Trees Jennifer Bailey @[ Geoff Plott Plotts Health Channel - Real Health - Real Results @ Rhonda Kay Eric Geoffrey Plott PlottPalmTrees.Com HELP-LINE Group Coconut Clare Plott †Ⓥ-Recipe Plotties Group :) International Moringa Tribes Mission plottpalmtrees INSIDE HARVARD - The Wonder Tree Research PLOTTPALMTREES.COM ~
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:11:09 +0000

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