If a radical force is bent on the destruction of every vestige of - TopicsExpress


If a radical force is bent on the destruction of every vestige of history that tells the story of how mankind came to know God up to these latter days accounting for ALL the Prophets Peace be upon them All, then what will be left to destroy when everything else has been shattered, murdered and pissed on? What will be left to realize that God is more than a story but is manifest in the work of the hands of people who love God... the greatest of these people have become the center of every known religion in human history. But is the destruction and obliteration of all religions for just one radical interpretation the destiny of this world when it is the fallibility and imperfect nature of mankind to be wrong in attempting to dictate the will of God? Are these people pretending to have the power of God when they destroy the work of the hands of the Prophets and the very human nature of the literature that tells the story of who they were? How can a force pretend to be wise in the destruction of innocent lives and the evidence of human history? If God created life, then to destroy life is to destroy the work of the hands of God, logically that which is created by God is Gods property... who would dare destroy that which made by and held in Gods hands?? How can someone pray to the most Merciful God and then show no mercy? These are the questions I am unqualified to answer, yet I think all people have in their hearts as they think about our world today.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 20:00:48 +0000

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