If acceptance is the key, why do so many of us hurt ourselves - TopicsExpress


If acceptance is the key, why do so many of us hurt ourselves trying to break down the door? Have you ever gone out of your way to help or do something for someone else, only to feel like it wasnt enough or appreciated. A couple years ago I had offered to help paint a friends house on a Saturday. Others were going to help as well. The scheduled time was to be at 11:00 am. That wasnt going to work for me so rather than break a promise, I told the individual I would come at 6:30-7 and paint until about 1030-11. It wasnt acceptable to this acquaintance and they told me to just forget it. From that day forward it was promoted to others that I didnt follow through on my obligation. I learned from that experience but it wont deter me from continuing to offer help if Im able. Recent events remind me of that event. Many times I have tried to do the right thing only to have Gods plan or life, change the best laid out plans. Plan anyway, and accept the results. The thought today is that in the word acceptance, we not only look for it in ourselves, but we accept other people for exactly who they are, faults and all. We understand in looking back on our own lives that we have intentionally or inadvertently hurt others as much as we have been hurt by others. Every person we have given our time to in this lifetime has brought light to our lives. We neednt focus on their faults or darkness. We understand we are not Saints and we dont expect our families or friends to be either. There is great calm in this day if we can appreciate and accept what others bring to our lives rather than resent what they cannot. There is peace this Saturday , and a whole lot less hurt if we use the key today. Lovem All.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 17:23:15 +0000

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