If an animal organization conducts campaigns which focus on - TopicsExpress


If an animal organization conducts campaigns which focus on factory farming -which Animals Australia and all large animal charities do- then they are not a vegan organization. Moreover, they are actively promoting the consumption of animal products. If animal organisation campaigns focus on factory farming and do not say clearly that all animal product consumption is wrong, then this promotes the notion that there is such a thing as happy animal exploitation and that this is morally acceptable and desirable. What this means is that one can not interpret this in any other way than an endorsement and a stamp of approval for happy animal slavery. (Complete with sweet pictures of happy animals.) I had a (unsurprisingly) futile exchange with Animals Australia today on Twitter and they were adamant with me that they do not promote humane use of animals and yet one can find many examples on their website and social media that they explicitly do. Recently Animals Australia has been asking businesses to start buying happy eggs and other happy animal products for their workplace instead of caged eggs, and to register with Animals Australia if they intend to do this, and they will be sent a congratulatory certificate that they can feel proud of. Lyn White from Animals Australia has stated publicly that Animals Australia is not trying to end animal use. Animals Australia has made a statement on their website that they are not a vegan organisation and yet there are a number of advocates who claim to be vegan who vehemently defend Animals Australia stating that they are doing something. Yes they are doing something all right. They are promoting the notion that it is morally acceptable to use animals as long as it is humane and promoting the idea that there is such a thing as humane use of animals. There is no such thing and even if there were, it would still be unjust. Animals Australia claim that they dont like to tell anyone what to think or do or what not to eat, or not to wear etc. I hear that too from a number of advocates who claim they are vegan. Imagine if human rights organisations stated that some forms of human slavery were acceptable and other forms were not, or that some races were more important than others or that humane child slavery were morally acceptable or desirable? If we apply one rule for humans and apply moral consistency regarding human rights issues, but another rule for nonhumans, then this is a clear example of speciesism. So with their reasoning, its OK to make moral judgements regarding human issues, but its not OK to do so regarding nonhuman issues. We say that homophobia is wrong. We state that child slavery is wrong. We say that racism is wrong. We say that rape is wrong. We say that bullying is wrong and so forth but when it comes to nonhuman animals, we flounder. We become mealy-mouthed. We tip-toe around the issue. We are unable to make moral judgements. Animals Australia apply moral judgements about welfare but not about animal use. If one visits their website, it is so morally inconsistent it is mind-boggling. Please cease supporting all these large animal charities. They are making great strides backwards. Please join our nonviolent grassroots abolitionist vegan movement. Please go vegan and promote veganism only. Heres some recommended books veganismisnonviolence/books LiveVegan
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:11:51 +0000

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