If any country wanted peace in their country and rest countries - TopicsExpress


If any country wanted peace in their country and rest countries entire world, they have to pass laws in their countries that everyone has to mention their racial and religion and original nation in their passport and identity cards to find out Jews and any spies of every country against their country, if anyone change their religion or give up their religion they have to mention their parents and their generation religion , if anyone to give wrong information, to punish them for death or for their life in jail, meantime all people entire world have to cooperate each other to search to find out their countries, and other countries, s Jews to reveal entire world, because many Jews go other countries to be citizen and else, so it is difficult to find out our county’s Jews, Also to call into requisition of wealth and financial of people who have billion and trillion money and wealth more than their necessary, special Jewish people who got a lot of wealth and money by their cooperated and creation of a lot of covert or overt tragedies against people of USA, England, Russia, France and the rest countries entire world and stop them to get any job in any governments and public institutes in any counties entire world if they are any job in any public or any governments to dismiss them. The fact, when before and previous of the presidents of USA or France or Russia or prom-minister of England are Jews and also England Jew royalty, so it is impossible the presidents and prom-ministers or kings and Queens or high and highest positions of every country entire world( special Arab countries) are not Jews, so by these reason or by mathematics 2 + 2=4 not any number else except 4, or by the cause to defect high and highest position of every country are Jew with occasion and reason that they have power to can create a lot of terrorist organizations, even by this way, we can prove this fact that all most all the leaders and high and highest position of terrorist organizations entire world are Jews also we can prove the high or highest position of any religion missionaries of any different religions same Islam and Christian and else that all most of them are Jews who are terrorist leaders of people’s religions that they play the role of terrorist action against their followers and other religions that cause their religion followers to create their religion terrorist organizations against themselves and other without people to know So, Jews by supporting each other entire world to hide their Jew identification to get high or highest position every country and created a lot of terrorist organizations either religion or else and follow their past Jew generation that they have created many religions against people entire world to find out their opposition and get power entire world and meantime to use their followers against their opposition and other people and cause their followers and others to get killed, by this way to rule against people entire world forever for their favor. Anyway we can find out their names and their group to follow under List of Jews terrorist organizations entire world (List of designated terrorist organizations) Or more, to copy above written, to past to Google or yahoo or else to find out the name of leaders and high and highest Jews position and name of every terrorist organizations of every country and international terrorist organizations entire world that many of them hide their Jew identification against rest people entire world for favor of Israel is the main and headquarters of terrorist organizations entire world, But unfortunately people by giving a lot of chance for Jews in their countries to get high and highest position to pave the way author of this book always to cry. The fact, the author of this book, Saeid Naghib cries daily for the people of the world, especially Americans, British and Russian citizen. He specially mourns the indifference of these people to the presence of Jewish (they either hide their racial or religion IDENTITY) in so many high-ranking government position and the falsehoods of religions like Christianity and Islam. All of these religions were created by Jews to use as tools to create conflicts and divisions in societies worldwide.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:26:19 +0000

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