If any man is in Christ is a new creature all the old things have - TopicsExpress


If any man is in Christ is a new creature all the old things have passed to him and he is a born again creature. Mathew 16 vs. 13 Jesus asked his disciples who do people say I am the son of man? Peter said you are Christ the son of the living God. My little mind tells me that there are gods who are not living. People are praying in the name of Jesus not knowing that this name is known to only those who have accepted it. Those who have received Apostles not everyone. Mathew 10 vs. 41-42 Jeuss says to his Apostles “Those who receives you (Apostles) receives me and those who receives me, they receives my Father who sent me. Those who receives righteous and prophets, they will get the reward of the righteous and prophets” Christ is the son of God. Jesus is the son of David. Jesus once said what is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit is spirit. Jesus said he has finished his task that was giving to him by his father. Now, the questions is, who is in operation now? On the 2nd cor. 3 vs. 17. “Lord is sprit, where there is a spirit of the lord, there is liberty.” Now, you are expected to accept the spirit through Christ. Where do we get the spirit? The bible says, by the laying of the hands of Apostles, you receive the holy spirit. (Acts 8 vs 14-21) How will you accept the spirit? By accepting your neighbors and the Apostles are chosen from your neighbors who happened to be your enemies and full of sins.The love you have should be to love your enemies. When you love someone, you don’t look at money. You love them for who they are not what they have. On 7bc Sunday in March at 08:30 Jesus was born. Jesus is a Pisces according to Horoscopes as he was born in March not in December 25 according to other believers’ understanding. At age 12, he started to gathering people. He was not preaching about God at that time as He was young. At age 30 on AD29 on Tuesday 6am he was born of water through Johns’ baptismal. The baptismal of son of man because he was also a sinner thus cleansing of his sins by John. Why we say Jesus was a sinner? One day, one of the disciples said, “Oh, Jesus the righteous Lord what can I do to enter Kingdom of God?” Jesus said, “don’t say I’m a righteous Lord for there is no one who is racial only God. Another sin. God commanded that they shall not work on Sabbath day. Jesus contradicted Gods’ law and worked helping a donkey. Moses, hit the rock twice instead of once and the water came out and killed lots of people. That was sin. After the baptismal, Jesus was born again. There was a union of a son of God with a son of man. Why are we saying this sin is a son of God? It’s because God is a spirit and what is born of spirit is spirit. Jesus was a son of man for he was born of man but Christ was the son of God for he was of God. Jesus once said his father is in me and I’m in him. We are not called Jesus because we are not from Jesus we are from Christ thus called CHRISTtians not JESUits
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:51:00 +0000

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