If any of my status updates were read by marketers, friends and - TopicsExpress


If any of my status updates were read by marketers, friends and family, this is the one I would wish for them to see. Do you think its damaging to jump from company to company? I am NOT talking about making good money with a company and moving on. I am talking about, joining a company, finding passion, and then jumping into the next company because they (company, upline, product) seems like the new great thing. Let me tell you my main reason why I believe this hurts people in ways some of you arent understanding. I started in Network Marketing over a year ago. I was in a company and we sold the capability to learn how to market. It was like a school of sorts. I truly believed in my heart that I had a few friends that could really benefit! Making extra money AT HOME is something I thought everyone wanted! I thought that not having a job, and learning something new would be fantastic! I thought that EVERYONE had the same dreams that I did about being able to just go on vacation and not have to worry about taking time off. I was wrong. Company went under/got bought and I failed. I was also a link spammer so all I ever posted was, want to make money?, join my business! make your own income! peppered with links. Then I found something that had a product that WORKED! I had energy and my fibro was better because I finally had the energy to get up and move! I was blown away! If I have something that can give me all natural help to get moving and feel happier, I truly believed that my friends and family would want it too! I mean, I know more people in my life that suffer from depression, lack of energy and need brain health than I know what to do with! They tolerated me.. barely. Were in no way interested in keeping their noggins healthy and one by one started to unfollow me on facebook. Its a shame, because the chances of them even seeing this are slim. They dont comment, they dont message and they sure as hell dont want to even chat on the phone. Why would they? My life has been turned upside down by online marketing, and people that have known me my entire life believe what I do is a scam. Now I am in a company (3 in a year... if they even took the time to understand what I do they could see thats not that many) that can not only help HUMANS with pain.. but animals. I have a class 1 medical device for pain, that has three different listings with the FDA and is the first MLM (multi level marketing) to be listed. Everyone I have stripped that has used them appropriately and not left them out of the package and what not has LOVED them. Why? Because they work. Here is my issue, and my entire point. Every single member of my family has/does suffer from pain. Every single friend I have has as well. All those moms I know? Have had cramps from their monthly cycle, sore arms from carrying children, bad backs from bending over and omg bad knees. Every soldier I encounter, ever grandparent, hell every marketer I know has spent hours online and been stiff and sore. My animals have felt pain. And because of my previous actions over this past year, not one of them is willing to even get a FREE sample. FRACKING FREE. Because I jumped (with good intentions) from company to company. Did I hurt myself? Well, no I can always push forward online and sell these to Marketers. I can always do what I do and go talk to doctors about an all natural pain relief, that they want after the recent consumer reports came out. But my friends and family have those titles because I
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:45:26 +0000

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