If any of you are bored, you can play with Ron Morales great - TopicsExpress


If any of you are bored, you can play with Ron Morales great list... have fun! 32 Lies, blatant falsehoods and fallacies of the truther movement. I’m not going to waste time writing a book addressing each of these in the OP, but if you think any of the below are legitimate claims, note it and I’ll show you why it’s either false or fallacious. Go ahead. 1. One or more of the WTC buildings fell at free fall acceleration. 2. NIST admitted that WTC7 free fell. 3. All supports of WTC7 needed to simultaneously collapse for the building to have come down like that. 4. WTC 7 completely fell in under 7 seconds. 5. “Pull it” is controlled demolition jargon meaning to demolish a building with explosives. 6. The fact that no steel structured high rise has ever completely collapsed from fire constitutes good evidence that WTC 7 could not have completely collapsed from fire alone. 7. Pools of molten metal still molten weeks after 9/11 constitutes evidence of controlled demolition or thermite. 8. Those pools of molten metal were molten steel. 9. Sounds of explosions heard are evidence that controlled demolition explosions probably occurred. 10. Buildings cannot collapse downward through the “path of greatest resistance.” 11. The smaller upper block of floors in the towers could not have completely destroyed the lower set of floors because the latter had more mass than the former. 12. One or more of the collapsing WTC buildings had all the elements of a classic controlled demolition. 13. The Harrit et al nanothermite paper was peer reviewed. 14. Many steel high rises have experienced longer and hotter fires than that experienced by WTC 7 and not collapsed. 15. The fact that 2000 architects and engineers have signed the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition constitutes good empirical evidence of the validity of truther hypotheses. 16. Most of those 2000 architects and engineers have relevant expertise. 17. The “official” account of the WTC collapses contradicts basic laws of physics. 18. The terrorist pilots could not have flown those planes. 19. The terrorists could not have overpowered those crews and passengers. 20. Kevin Ryan and Susan Lindauer were whistle blowers who exposed the 9/11 conspiracy. 21. George Bush’s bother Marvin and/or the security company of which he was a director ran security for the WTC on 9/11. 22. Donald Rumsfeld said right before the 9/11 attack that there was $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon. 23. A piece of steel found by FEMA that was subjected to eutectic corrosion was melted and only could have been produced by a thermite reaction. 24. NIST’s John Gross denied that there was any molten metal found at WTC. 25. The fact that a BBC correspondent reported that WTC7 collapsed before it actually had constitutes evidence of controlled demolition. 26. There was no plane debris found at the Pentagon. 27. NIST never studied any steel and all the steel was shipped out before it was studied. 28. More money was spent investigating Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky than on investigating 9/11. 29. Some of the hijackers are known to be still alive. 30. The spiraling dive into the Pentagon was too complex a maneuver for the terrorist pilot. 31. Explosions reported in the basements of the Towers constitutes evidence of controlled demolition. 32. More money was spent investigating Clintons affair with Monica Lewinsky than was spent (at least by the government) investigating 9/11.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 19:40:39 +0000

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