If anyone comes to you preaching another gospel different from - TopicsExpress


If anyone comes to you preaching another gospel different from Christ, do not receive them.... YHVH I come in your name to smite this satanic order, exposing what was once in the dark no has been brought to the light...... I shall ride FAITHFUL AND TRUE AGAINST ALL FALSE PROPHETS APOSTLES, FOR CURRENTLY I STAND IN THE MIDST OF THE THRONE OF SATAN AND I SHALL WAGE THIS WAR AGAINST ALL, ALL THE EVIL FORCES OF L.D.S. lucifer devil satan you did not want my dark skin people to have a high ranking within your so called true church.... I smite you to the lake which burns with fire and you false prophet Thomas Monsoon shall go to where it is written of you to go....... And all WHO have pledge the secret oath to acquire vengeance for Joseph smith and Hayden, my oath was to protect the innocent from receiving condemnation, you supposed to only have faith and trust in the LIVING GOD, YHVH YAHWEH, so judgment has been established against you for your partial truth, giving more attention to baptizing the dead which cannot be made deciples, and administer faith to the living nor strengthen those who were about to die,!!!!! This so called true church has decieved many but thank you FATHER ALMOST THE ELECT now is war I declare to this secret faction of the blind leading the blind...... Oh and death shall flee from me for this is the great battle that is written....... WHAT I TELL YOU IS FAITHFUL AND TRUE.... RENOUNCE YOUR ALLEGIANCE TO SATAN FOR YAHWEH SPOKE AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS AWAY WITH THE FALSE PROPHET AND THE ENTIRE REGIME OF SATAN. VENGANCE IS YAHWEHS AND BY A MULTITUDE OF COUNSELORS I SHALL WAGE THIS WAR FOR I AM THE WORD OF YHVH GOD!!!! AND THIS I SPEAK ON THIS VERY DAY OF OCTOBER 8TH 2014
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:25:01 +0000

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