If anyone has ever wondered what goes into the weekly tracks for - TopicsExpress


If anyone has ever wondered what goes into the weekly tracks for the membership site... take a look at this weeks track! This is a big track, and instead of layering it all together, I actually did one minute intervals... so its really three one minute tracks that all go together and have an overall purpose and intention. The track starts with some of the new deep release energy that was used on frequency radio, beginning with a Stress and depression Release which includes frequencies and energy directed towards the relief of symptoms relating to stress, trauma, emotional or physical shock (which can sometimes happen with deep release... i.e.: who am I, what now, I feel empty, etc), anxiety (which can happen as we integrate and meet more of the unmet Self), fright, fear, anger, grief, hypersensitivity, nervousness, excitability and sadness. To make sure that is all breathed in and transmuted with ease, the next layer is an energy meant to stimulate a sense of harmony and balance within the mind and body and help release anger and frustration, bringing about a sense of peace and emotional well-being while also reaching one’s spiritual truth by cutting through any confusion or misinformation i.e. helping one discern the level of truth (which I think I also got for the last track as its always helpful as were in new territory within to really be able to see what is true and what is our own limitations creating the perception of true. These frequencies should also help you receive clear information from your higher self with out interference or ego chatter. Then, I figured, Well, why not follow that energy and spin in some golden and blue light as well as green to hit that ego chatter and heal and mental predispositions, allowing the heart to open without prejudgment? ,,,So I did l). This helps to allow us to fully experience and be open on both a mental and heart level to new perceptual shifts and all the changes occurring this month (and beyond!). Some of you had some emotional stuff coming up, so I added an extra note of peace - helping release the attitudes and expectations associated with anger, anguish, anxiety, betrayal, bitterness, blame, confusion, discouragement, hatefulness, offense, pride, rage, shame, strife, non forgiveness, and wrath... lots of the stuff that can come from family issues or trust stuff that we talked about last week. This energy promotes feelings of peace: appreciation, approval, assurance, certainty, cheer, composure, confidence, ease, energy, expectancy, honor, innocence, joviality, liberation, peacefulness, quiet, relaxation, resoluteness, security, stillness and trust. Following the trail, just like I do when working one on one and with group energy on the calls, this led to the unfolding, deep within, of the joy of giving and sharing, thereby dissolving the frustration of being hemmed in, which brought in an energy bringing the memory back to the point of origin before trauma or anger was experienced, helping us to release and let go of negative feelings. It is a soothing and calming experience of Love and The Blank Page. Because of all of the brain work - expansion, activation, etc, there is some pineal gland massage energy as well! I see that as green and purple, for those of you opening to see colors! Thats the first minute... (one of these days, I will actually not over deliver, lol... maybe...) The second minute is all about balance and releasing any fear of doubt that may arise from the release space or from becoming less attached. I used a lot of emerald and onyx feeling energies... I know that sounds kind of weird... its like tuning in to the group and seeing a particular crystaline energy and then bringing that in to help ground and work the lower density earth energies. Which brought up the need to ground into the new without over stimulating. This helps balances states of rest and activity. I know a lot of you LOVE the calm and clear track from the 52 week vibrational sound healing program, so I actually layered those frequencies in as well! I rounded it out with a Fear Clear – created with the intention of injecting massive amounts of love while helping you release the attitudes and expectations associated with fear, anxiety, betrayal, bitterness, blame, compliance, confusion, control, hopelessness, insecurity, rejection, shame, non forgiveness, and worthlessness. Same as above, it promotes feelings of love, comfort, encouragement, forgiveness, friendliness, generosity, harmony, honor, humility, kindness, optimism, satisfaction, self control and serenity Minute two is rounded out with energy to help gain and maintain serene balance. That brings us to ...what else? Joy, Bliss, and Peace! We start off with energy meant to help replenish any depleted emotions, renewing the springs of love and joy producing an uplifting magnetic energy and bringing joy to the heart, happiness, and reworking the inner child so that it feels like a kid on Christmas morning receiving everything on the list! The title on this one pretty much says it all, lol. So here you have it! It looks like the first track for August is going to have an aspect of what feels like a Brain Boost energy. I was talking to Linda earlier today - and a few other people have mentioned this as well - about feeling a lot and just having some crazy dreams, etc. In the blog Tracey posted about channeling, go take a look at my response, and that will explain a lot, in that we really opened up a lot of the brain this month - not just using the 10 or 15 per cent! Speaking of August, Charan asked me about whether or not membership is automatically carried over... and she said a lot of other nice things (and also let me know of my typo!), but I wont embarrass her, lol. I just wanted to share my answer: Oh my gosh yes, knock! How embarrassing. Lol I told you the energy was strong! ;) yes, youll have to sign up again. It felt better to give everyone that choice - myself as well - as it felt freer and more in the moment, granting us more space for even more to birth. Youre very welcome. Thats one of my goals. I was talking to another well known healer the other day who was like you deliver so much! Really, I love what I do and I want to honor myself as well as everyone else and so I feel into the month and pick that way. I always give current members a discount because they may have some of the products, and while the calls and membership site and weekly and daily work is worth it, I want it to stay comparable to a single session of therapy or a healing session so that it can be an affordable way to learn and grow as individuals and as a community :) Id never really voiced it that way before, so I wanted to share :) Lots and Lots of love and blessings, Jarrad
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:19:20 +0000

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