If anyone still believes in a pre-Tribulation rapture, please - TopicsExpress


If anyone still believes in a pre-Tribulation rapture, please consider the following. If you have family/friends that do, please share this with them. It is not a salvation issue, but it is extremely important. We will be here for the entire Trib (not YHWHs post-Trib wrath being poured out). If we are not prepared, especially spiritually, it will be ever so much harder for us. Many will feel betrayed by their pastors, church, even YHWH Himself - for not showing them the truth. Many will fall away because of this. And truly, the truth is right in front of them! All of the early church writers who spoke of this, and whose writings we still possess, believed His assembly will go through the Trib. It was only in the late 1800s that John Darby of the Plymouth Brethren came up with this pre-Trib rapture theory. There is no record of it in any church writing prior to that. C.I. Scofield got it from him, and put it in the later editions of his Scofield Reference Bible - which was widely used in the seminaries and by many believers. It is mainly still only believed in the western churches; for the most part, it was never accepted world-wide. American churches cling to it as they have so much else - because it tickles the ears and so many would leave if the truth was spoken. I pray He opens your eyes to see the truth of all of this. I can take you through the entire NT and show you every verse that mentions the subject, so you can see where it clearly supports post-Trib. It is the first truth I saw as I came out of the churches into Messianics. It is only by taking scripture out of context and twisting it that a pre-Trib rapture can be taught. And even at that, no clear support can be found for it. I would be glad to go into depth on this with anyone who may be interested. 3 passages, taken together, provide a proof text (please read these and think it out before you reply). John 5:28-29 shows there are two, and only two, general resurrections. Rev. 20:4-6 shows one is at the end of the Trib (resurrection of the righteous), the other is at the end of the Kingdom (resurrection of the unjust). The first one must be at the end of the Trib, or it could not contain all the Trib martyrs. Rev. also says this one is the 1st resurrection! (And, Rev. only mentions 2 resurrections, supporting John.) Then, 1 Thess 4:13-18 states that the rapture occurs immediately AFTER that same resurrection, the one that Rev. says is post-Trib. To argue for a pre-Trib rapture makes at least one of those scriptures into lies, if you think about it, I think you will see that. To summarize, if there is a pre-Trib rapture, there would have to be 3 resurrections, making both John and Rev. inaccurate. Or, if there is only 2 resurrections, Rev would have to be inaccurate - the 1st one would have to be at the beginning of the Trib, and it could not contain any Trib martyrs, nor could the one Rev calls the 1st resurrection (containing Trib martyrs) be the 1st, it would have to be the 2nd. Or, Paul would have to be wrong in 1 Thess, and the rapture couldnt occur just after a resurrection! Anyone who believes in a pre-Trib therefore MUST believe parts of the NT are wrong, and that God is the author of confusion and cant even get His Word to be accurate. Im praying He opens everyones eyes to see this truth.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 15:54:16 +0000

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