If anyone was to ask Vanessa and I 68 days ago what the NICU was, - TopicsExpress


If anyone was to ask Vanessa and I 68 days ago what the NICU was, we would not be able to give you the slightest description. Little did we know we would be spending the next 67 days in a row at the St. Lukes University Hospital at their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Our first child was born Keegan Jeremiah Cleary was welcomed on June 17, 2014 as just about everyone knows. He was born 1lb. 12oz., and was 13 long. Like everyone else we were very unsure of how things were going to turnout. Such a delicate perfect little baby with the odds stacked against him from the jump. Over the course of the next hours, days, weeks, and months we were truly blessed to see how many people were pulling for him. We met some of the best healthcare professionals on the planet. From Doctors to Nurses to Social workers and so on. One person was better than the next. To name a few that really went above and beyond. Katelyn, Susan, Barb, Holly, Chelsea, Becca, Sarah, Jen. These nurses are super heroes. The Docs Sannoh, Riaz, and Ahkter. What these people do day in and out is truly amazing. They were such an amazing extended family Im glad we were there. I emphasize the were part. It was a roller coaster of ups and downs, good days and bad days, happy days and stressful days. It is most definitely a time in our lives that we will never ever forget. Everything culminated today when Keegan finally graduated from the NICU. 5lbs. 3oz. and almost 17 in length. Bringing this little fighter home would have never been possible without all the help we received from everyone both personally and professionally. I wanted to run down a quick list of people that were really amazing throughout this entire journey. My parents Jerry and Chrissy Cleary literally turned their house inside out for us. My brothers Mike and Terrance who worked basically around the clock for the last 4 weeks getting ready for Keegans Homecoming. My Wife Vee Michele for being the strongest woman Ive ever come across in my entire life, I love you and it only gets better from here! My Sister Juliana Catherine and CC have done more for this little guy than anyone. From planning the shower to executing and making sure we had everything we needed along the way. Nick Ferrara for helping for days and nights on end with the construction here at the house. Anah Corley for picking up where I left off with work and making sure I didnt have to worry. Lenny Servedio, Gina Calderon, Steve LoPorto, Ryan Connors, Bruno G and the rest of my Metro Expo Family for making sure I had the time I needed to tend to my family. I couldnt ask for a better group of people to work with. This post went up before i could finish so I apologize for that.... I hit the wrong button. I had left the countless number of family and friends that called, texted, emailed, and visited us in the hospital. The best feeling in the world was walking out of that hospital and bringing him home. The best is yet to come! Thanks everyone and Goodnight!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 23:25:27 +0000

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