If anyone would like to join me in this fasting prayer for my - TopicsExpress


If anyone would like to join me in this fasting prayer for my marriage please comment below, thank you one and all. Dear Heavenly Father, We praise You Father God as the Creator of every good and perfect gift, as the Giver of Life, and the One whose name is above all names. I recognize You as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, as my Redeemer and Savior. You, God, are Holy and Perfect and lacking nothing, needing nothing. You are Wisdom and Knowledge. You are Healer and Restorer….Rebuilder and Rewarder. Your Word says if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask it of You who gives Wisdom to all men liberally. Therefore, this day, I ask in faith, not doubting but believing fully, I will receive all wisdom and spiritual understanding that You so freely give. God, I thank You that Your Word says You know the plans You have for our marriage and our family, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us a hope and a future. Jer. 29:11. We stand on that promise today, believing You for our marriage. Your Word says You are the Lord, the God of all mankind. There is nothing too hard for you. Jer. 32:37. Sovereign Lord, You made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You, not even what is going on in our marriage. No, nothing, not even this is impossible with You. Luke 18:27. Thank You for the promise that when we seek You with all our hearts about our marriage and our family, there is no good thing that You will withhold. Psalm 34:10. Father, you are El Roi, the God who sees our hurts, needs, and struggles. You made the way possible for redemption and healing by the blood shed by Your Son Jesus on the cross. You alone have the power to heal the hurting places in this family and in this marriage. But, I know You cannot heal until we lay aside our will, our hurts, our anger, our bitterness, our resentment, our hate, and any other issues that will keep You from being able to work. Father, forgive each of us for the parts we have played in where we are right now. Create in us clean and pure hearts. Show us where we have been wrong. Break our hearts and make them tender to see our faults, our selfishness, our self-centeredness and our critical spirits. Give us a spirit of humility to allow You to begin Your work in us. Eradicate all pride so You can come in and transform the brokenness and make it whole. Help us surrender our will to Yours. Help us lay on the altar anything that will get in Your way, show us those things and make them clear. Let your refining fire purify those places so we can begin to reflect You as we deal with each other. Thank You for Your promise that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive them and purify us from all unrighteousness. We claim that promise for ourselves right now. God, You give guidance on marriage. Specifically, You call us to certain roles. Right now they sound impossible, but Your Word says that with you all things are possible. We pray this prayer from this day forward to release the power of Your Word and Your Spirit into this marriage. We are asking You to do as You promise—to do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine. Eph. 3:20. We know and trust You will do whatever we ask in Your name because, once again, You promise that in Your Word. John 14:13-14. You call a wife to submit to her husband as to the Lord because in Your plan of marriage the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Eph. 5:22-33. As a wife, You call her to this, not to submit in a subservient way to her husband [tim haas], but to do it as an act of submission to You. This seems impossible now because of all the circumstances and the past. But, God, I believe You alone can change her heart to submit to Your plan of marriage. Remove anything in her heart that would keep her from honoring Your Word on marriage. Remove any thoughts in her head that would contradict Your perfect will for us. You call her to respect her husband [tim haas]. Again, there is so much pain and hurt that seems impossible to obey. But, God, I ask You to fill her mind and heart with whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, and whatever is beautiful about our marriage. Remind us of why we first fell in love. You call a husband to love his wife as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy. Eph. 5:22-33. Father, give me a love for my wife, [Selina haas] that is like the love You have — pure, unconditional, patient, gentle, not judging, not self-seeking, not remembering wrongs but always looking for the best in her. Let me love her unselfishly. Teach me how to nurture and cherish her, to respect her. Help me to not complain or argue. Make the words of my mouth be only what is helpful and good. Give me a discerning spirit to know her needs and give me a heart to want to meet them. God, we know You will honor our marriage only when we stay under the covering You provide in Your Word. Give us unity of heart and spirit through Your Holy Spirit. Whatever breach of honor, trust, or respect we have had in the past we come to You together, confessing and repenting in complete humility, asking for Your forgiveness and healing. Bless us with Your richest blessing that as a couple we will together know how high and wide and deep and long is Your love for us in Christ Jesus. We ask that from Your Glorious storehouses of riches You will make beautiful what has been dark and raw and hurting. Thank You that from this day forward we recommit this marriage to be rooted and established in Your deep and abiding love, the love that surpasses all knowledge. From this day forward, we pray that we will live a life worthy and live out a marriage worthy of You, Lord. Give us great endurance and patience. Fill us with Your joy so that when we have hard days, we can look beyond the circumstances and remember the Promises made in You. Keep our eyes on You and not on our faults and our circumstances. Remind us that we model You to our children. Help us to be living sacrifices to You, giving up our own desires to accomplish Your greater purposes for this family. In whatever way our children have been hurt by this, Father, we ask You to redeem that situation. Allow them to see Your power and Your glory in all its splendor and wonder as we are transformed by the power of prayer and Your Word. Protect their tender hearts from the hurt and pain that has existed the last years. May they know Your great love for them, and may they know the assurance that our love is strong and for eternity. Make our home one that will be built solidly on the foundation of Jesus. It will be a safe place in this world where we all feel loved and protected. Help us each to humbly submit to You and to resist Satan. We know he desires to destroy this family and gain a foothold in this home. Help us to discern his evil tactics and protect our hearts and minds from his lies, traps, and deceptions. Give us Your strength and resurrection power for every spiritual battle he throws at us. Thank you, Father, that there is hope in You, hope for a rich, wonderful future for this marriage and this family. What Satan intended for harm, you give purpose and turn into good. Cover us this day forward with Your protective hedge of safety and strength. Keep us in perfect peace. Thank You that You have begun a good work and will perfect it for Your glory. We ask all of these things in the powerful name of JESUS. AMEN
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:13:58 +0000

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