If anything can boot Labour into concentrating on the concerns of - TopicsExpress


If anything can boot Labour into concentrating on the concerns of ordinary people rather than those of the City and the right wing press then it must surely be last nights byelection results. UKIP are managing to con people that they will stick up for the working class. They wont. In 2012 Douglas Carswell, elected last night for UKIP, wrote a book advocating the wholesale privatisation of the NHS. And thats just for starters. UK GIN DEPENDENCE PRTY We’re not fascists, are we, dear? Bring that bottle over here. Now. Where was I? Enoch Powell? Sod this irritable bowel! Do you play goff? Come down the club. Just a snifter, lovely grub…… What, no blazer? Borrow mine. Chin chin. Maggie, ‘79! Now. Where was I? Nigel Farage? Dear! More bottles in the garage.... Really don’t want to disparage But he should pronounce it Farridge. Agincourt and Waterloo Showed those Frenchies what to do Entente Cordiale - bloody shame. Wonder how he got that name? Now. Where was I? Edward Heath? Awful man with awful teeth. He’s the one who started this Led us into the abyss. It would have been so much eashier To have teamed up with Rhodesia. Bloody Poles. This gin is strong! Oh, it’s vodka. Got that wrong….. Now, where was I? Fascists? No. I fought them, I’ll have you know. Well, I nearly did – too young. Something’s happening to my tongue! Bloody Poles. I need a kip. Do have one more. Just a nip…. Upstairs, ere my forces fail. Eileen, where’s the Daily Mail? One last parting shot, young man: Country’s going down the pan. Anyone with half a brain Is selling up and orf to Spain. Part of that’s in Europe, true - But not the bit WERE going to. Bloody Poles. My poor old head….. See yourself out. Orf to bed!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:01:57 +0000

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