If banks are private institutions - why do governments depend on - TopicsExpress


If banks are private institutions - why do governments depend on them? Why are governments in debt with them? Why are governments (in society a minority of all the people) making US in debt with them (private world)? Isnt it odd that a minority of people (high ranked politicians) can make debt in the name of the majority (99,99%)? Where did I sign the document that I allow them to do this? Human rights? Imagine that your neighbor signs a paper that you, your parents, grand-parents, great grand parents, your children, even your unborn children are in debt. Would you allow it? Would you see how ludicrous it is? But if that neighbor just happens to be a high ranked politician it is ok because this life-of-debt-sentence is not only for you, but for all of us? Which makes it an honest fraud because the fraud happens to all of us? I bet they would tax cows for giving milk if they could. With cows it is not possible. With humans on the other hand. What is a free market? Free to buy government? The more I research about fraud the more I see fraud all around. How to fight fraud? Is it naive to fight fraud? Idealistic? Dreamy? Naive? Waste of time? If a government is needed to protect us against bad people. Government itself should protect itself against itself. Because government has power and will therefor be a magnet for people who have lust for power. In other words a magnet for higher ranked corruption. Or like this saying.. If government is needed to protect against bad people, why wouldnt bad people join government? So separate money (DEBT) from the government. Debt is a private institution thing. A government cant make debt in the nations name!! That would make government less interesting to corrupt it. Because they dont have power over such great amounts of money. Next problem. How do we solve the debt that there already is? Well you give every person an equal treatment. Because money is created out of thin air. It is created as debt. As an illusion. While we pay of for real. With real work!! But debt is created with a push on a button! Therefor the problem is created with a push on a button. The solution can be a push on a button as well. Give EVERY person on earth 10000usd or so. Every body is treated equally. Now use that money to pay of the debt of that country. Debt is gone, no more interests on that amount of debt! Plus!! Money will have a massive inflation. Buuut.. That inflation will be for everybody equal. Nobody will get rich or poor with this action. Only the debt and the interests on that debt (that need more debts to pay of) will be eradicated. The debt-mechanism is a modern slavery system. Which inevitably will always only makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Step one. Recognize how money is made. As debt. As a never-ending debt. Which is inflation, macro-inflation, loss of value. Step two. How and why this is a theft-mechanism to benefit the idea of the rich getting (dangerously) richer. Step three. See that government is a minority of people making debt in the name of all of us. See the ridiculousness the violation of human rights! Step four. See that therefor the government is a magnet for higher ranked fraud. Step five. See the separation between big money (debt) and government Step six. Debt is a push on a button, paying of that debt is just another push of a button. Step seven. Education. Teach this matter well and try to explain it that your neighbor understands it to.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:30:57 +0000

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