If caught by guests ... Be creative! Holidays - a wonderful - TopicsExpress


If caught by guests ... Be creative! Holidays - a wonderful time, but before they must be carefully thought out everything . Packaged gifts, take a breath and behold, the phone rings - to come upon unexpected guests. Do you leave them without gifts? That loss of hair from the head of uprooting, stocks can prepare in advance. Close to the store, buy a black, chocolate milk without additives, sweet cocoa, dry cream, sprinkles and a variety of small molds for sweets. Help small and Gum Marshmallows and frozen ginger biscuit dough. All of these products if they are not used during the Christmas or New Years dinner, can stand for long and will fit any time you come up with the pulse of unexpected guests. If you have a sufficiently large kitchen and small children who like to interfere looking ahead, give them frozen ginger dough lightly with flour, rolling pin and various molds. Children take care of biscuits and cookies later you will be able to help on the festive table or donate unexpected guests. The most beautiful Ive seen an edible gift - hot chocolate blanks. You will need: sweet cocoa; dry cream, milk powder or soy cream; grated chocolate or chocolate sprinkles; small gummy-marshmallows. We take 250-300 ml jar, we can buy a special or use any available. The jar pour a layer of sweet cocoa, dry layer of cream, then season with chocolate and add to the top of the small colored marshmallows. Close the jar and attach the instructions. And it - very simple: pour the contents of the jar into the pot, add 300 ml of water and boil. Middle horn excellent hot chocolate! Another gift - handmade chocolates. You will need: milk chocolate without additives; dark chocolate without additives; sprinkles (I used chopped almonds, dried grated orange peel, chocolate peas); cooking candy molds (of my heart-shaped, made of material similar to the foil). Very little time, so uncooked chocolate pot of cocoa not melt on gas stoves, just purchased shredded chocolate and discharge per minute in the microwave. The different deposit dissolved in black and chocolate milk addition of crushed almond slices, orange zest, and mix the paste into molds I have put together. As long as you are going to celebrate, chocolate candy hearts failing in the refrigerator, so you can pack up and donate or put on the festive table. The chocolate can embed and whole nuts, dried cranberries, coconut or other favorite ingredients. If you have not a minute of free time - decorate with candy up, but only when they begin to curdle, otherwise decoration dip after another warm chocolate layer. If you have not yet taken the gifts of older people - they can produce healthy medication. You need only honey, lemon, ginger and cinnamon. The jar, add about 200 ml of honey and cut two lemons without peel, grate finely ginger (Taste, that would not be very together). Cinnamon and can refuse, it inhibits the taste of honey and many do not like the taste. Stir the mass and hold in the refrigerator. Grandparents will be able to flavor tea daily or after taste teaspoon pure product - colds loved ones really overtake. The most important festivals and creative ways to meet them will receive a stress-free, additional concerns. Delicious, hearty, full of excitement and a moderate holidays!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:39:33 +0000

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