If ever there was a New Moon when weve needed some self-love and - TopicsExpress


If ever there was a New Moon when weve needed some self-love and deep healing at the cellular level, isnt it this one? After weeks of collision between the passionate energies of Leo and Scorpio, within you and around you, arent you tired? Exhausted from Mars, the Cosmic Warrior, pushing you to the edge on the slightest provocation? Worn out from Saturn, the Manifestor, frustrating you over and over again? Broken-hearted from seeing the children, who Leo rules, being shot and brutalized by police (yep, Mars and Saturn) in the American heartland, and bombed by governments (ditto) in the ancient lands of Syria and Gaza? Heres some wonderful news. Two guardian angels are on the way. Theyre embedded in the energy of the degree of Virgo where our New Moon occurs, at 2:13 pm UTC (10:13 am EST) tomorrow. Bringing help and protection from the invisible realms, this is the point in the Cosmos that reminds us of something thats easy to forget when the energies are being dialed up, and up, and up: At every moment of our lives, we are surrounded by spirit. The Guardian Angels of Tomorrows New Moon Your angels are coming by two cosmic paths: * One is a great star, among the brightest in the sky. This New Moon is the first to align with Regulus, the fabled star of kings, since it changed signs for the first time in over 2,000 years, back in late 2011. As the first cosmic event to align with Regulus in Virgo, tomorrows energy seeds a whole new cycle with massive star power. In some ways, this is the coronation ceremony of the sign of Virgo -- the energetic passing of cosmic power from the king to the Goddess. * The second angel is the Goddess whose energy is woven into Virgos ancient roots -- Persephone. Shes the innocent young feminine within you and around you, whose destiny was -- and is -- to be transformed into the powerful queen of the invisible realm and its mysteries of metamorphosis. The Secret of Virgo: Every Moment Is Sacred Its Persephone who takes you far beneath the neat freak or the nag of contemporary cliche, to the heart of Virgo. Once youre there, youre on the threshold of deep and powerful transformation. Persephone represents a turning point in human consciousness. Transformation was never her goal, her plan, or even her desire. From a sunlit, flower-strewn field where she played among her friends, she was taken into the dark depths -- just as you have been taken, time after time. Going back and forth between lifes surface and its invisible depths, Persephone represents a dynamic feminine way of being in the world, empowered from within by the transformative forces of life itself. She is the first divine being who divides her energy, her role, and her life between the visible and the invisible realms of life. Because she does, shes learned first-hand that every moment of life is sacred. Every single one. . The Life-Renewing Feminine - Ever Near and Always Returning Persephones mother, the great Earth Goddess Demeter (later known as Ceres) was so grief-stricken by her beloved daughters disappearance that life on Earth came to a standstill. Only a cosmic intervention, arranged by Mercury, the Cosmic Messenger (who rules this New Moon) saved the Earth. Pluto agreed that Persephone could spend part of every year on lifes surface with her mother, as long as she would return to the depths for the remainder. On the very first time Persephone left her mother to return to the Underworld, the constellation Virgo appeared in the sky. The starry goddess was a cosmic promise to Demeter -- just as it is to us. The daughter and her life-renewing feminine energy was -- and is -- returning. Shes ever near, in the sky within you and around you. Because she travels back and forth between the worlds, Persephone doesnt make one good and the other bad. Her lifes source is in one realm. Its fulfillment is in the other. The knowledge she takes across the threshold is that each moment is sacred. Every task, every action is a way to connect spirit and matter and experience greater wholeness. In the Energy Field of the Goddess, A New Cycle Begins for the Masculine The creation of the star-powered seed of Goddess energy is the first of two significant developments tomorrow. In the energy field of the Goddess, Mars and Saturn, the primary carries of masculine energy, will have their own meeting. In Plutos transformative sign of Scorpio, they too will create the seed of a new cycle. The conjunctions of Mars and Saturn bring tremendous force at both the physical and energetic levels. This one takes place in the very energy that transformed Persephone -- Scorpio, the frequency of our deepest desires, whose power motivates almost everything that we do. This conjunction will bring focus, mental and physical endurance, and determination. It gives you the ability – and the necessity – to understand the right way to move forward and to make the right decisions. Mars and Saturn come together every two years. Each meeting represents the next unfolding in the emergence of new masculine energy. Amidst a backdrop of millennia of violence, fear, and destruction, the old-paradigm masculine is being reborn, step by step, in the service of the life-transforming feminine. Despite the resistance of the old patterns, the new masculine is unfolding -- within you, within me, within us all. Here are some ways we can support the renewal of our lives and our world: 1. The hours before any New Moon are a very potent time for releasing old, outworn patterns and allowing new ones come into being. This New Moon doubles the balsamic energy, making it an especially powerful time to shed dead skin and align your hearts intentions with the new cycle: * The hours between now and the New Moon are especially potent, because two cycles -- the lunar cycle and the Mars-Saturn cycle -- are coming to an end. * The 4 hours following the New Moon carry the imprint of the Cosmic Feminine energy into Mars-Saturn conjunction, powerfully influencing the new seed energy. 2. Mercury is creating new opportunity for aligning your awareness with your actions and your effort. Venus is showing you how what you love and value is at odds with how you take action and the shoulds that influence them. If youre feeling tension and frustration, you can use it to expand your awareness of patterns that can be released. Remember that your willingness to forgive yourself and others is a very powerful way to release old patterns. 3. Remember Persephones truths: * Regeneration is a process that involves both darkness and light. * Transformation takes place in the invisible realm, beneath the surface. Just because you cant see it, that doesnt mean it isnt happening. * Your life is sacred space. Find a practice that reminds you that every moment is a sacred moment. More than anything else you do, this will transform your life.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 05:41:43 +0000

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