If interested, please read everything, as I am attempting not to - TopicsExpress


If interested, please read everything, as I am attempting not to give you the 1-sided rants Ive grown accustomed to seeing on Facebook. telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/10967279/UN-80-per-cent-of-Palestinians-killed-in-Israeli-offensive-are-civilians.html These are FACTS. I have been holding my tongue on a lot of political issues lately especially this one. Mostly because I am pursuing a career in music and dont want to scare away fans with real issues. But honestly that is cowardly and its time I share my thoughts. All I ask is that people look at FACTS. Innocent people on both sides are being murdered, however, one side is, for the most part, responding to occupation and aggression within a homeland they continue to be KICKED OUT of. How would you feel if someone came in your back yard and said this house is now mine? Now, the fault is not solely on Israel. The Middle East is filled with extremism that promotes horrible violent acts. While the majority do not support these beliefs, those in power are letting it happen or active participants. The issue here, is religion and government. Every first world country has abandoned religion on a federal scale. Except Israel. They have combined strong infrastructure, economic growth and religious extremism, promoting the hatred of a group of people and their displacement. Palestine is amok with extremism, and a lack of infrastructure, money or power. I commend Israel for its rapid advancement and growth, although a great deal is due to US economic support. However, as the group in power, with US support, Israel is the party who has the power to end this. Some may say oh, so Israel should just allow itself to get bombed and not respond? No, I do not expect that. However, violence will not stop until Israel removes military occupation from Palestinian areas, and allows them to live at peace, with a proper amount of land to attempt to develop stability. The cynic in me is worried that even if this happens, nothing is solved because terrorism within Palestine will grow due to extremism, lack of education and laziness. Rockets will continue to fly, and Israel will again respond with 10x force murdering thousands of civilians. This is why, despite being victims in a sense, Palestine, the rest of the Middle East, and we can throw in most of Africa, need to stop pointing fingers (even if theyre right), develop schools and technology, and build themselves up. Yes, these regions are victims of history and colonialism, but so are other regions of the world who are now thriving. Look at China, South Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. things are far from perfect but they are better. Innocents arent murdered like they once were, and economies are growing. It takes an internal push to become stable and grow towards long term peace and strength, but it requires those WITH POWER, to acknowledge their wrongdoings and attempt to fix them, because they have the power to get it started. All iask is that people stay active, ask questions, and push others to think critically. I am not sure where the world is headed, but I know it will be a good place if we abandon blind victimization and support simply due to our religion or the media. Look at all the facts, the history, and where you really want the world to go, and we can get there. I am sure I have my prejudices, lack of knowledge and flaws, but Im putting this out there because I want to grow. This issue is the too of the iceberg, but how we approach it can be applied in a multitude of situations that will lead to a better world. Hope everyone still listens to my music, because that is a simple joy that keeps me away from all this hard shit lol. Peace and love.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:51:34 +0000

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