If it is universally understood that being upset is not an - TopicsExpress


If it is universally understood that being upset is not an emotionally desired state to be in, and at the same time that one chooses what they feel, then there is no such thing as getting mad at someone; there is only going mad. That is psychopathic behavior. Psychopathic behavior can be described as having the option to do something in your power that makes sense and still choosing not to. The nature of anger is simply an expression of the ego not getting its way. Think about everything that makes you angry. Does is not all come down to the one common denominator of you desiring a certain outcome that is not fulfilled regardless of the morality or ethical value behind it? Therefore anger is a product of desire. One does not need desire in the respect of being attached to that desire to accompany an action. For example, you know that by itself, anger will not fix a leak in your sink.....actually simply deciding to physically fix the leak with your hands will. So, if this is true, anger is pretty much useless since it doesnt contribute to anything productive. If anything, it only contributes to remove your peace. Since peace is what most rational people want, its psychopathic behavior to war with people since it puts you out of the state you wish to experience. Love is a desired emotional state to be in. Therefore, it makes logical sense to be in a perpetual state of love because it doesnt make sense not to be. Love is your innate Divine primordial nature. Thats why you feel good when you love. Its because you are in harmonic alignment with all that there is. The only thing that makes sense is love. The nature of love is an unconditional regard for the welfare of another. To love others is to love yourself and to love yourself is to love others. Some think that loving yourself is egotistical. But when I refer to the phrase love yourself I am referring to seeing everyone as an extension of the self so there is no such thing as isolating love from one person over another. To isolate love is to isolate oneself from love so there is no selfishness in loving oneself if one sees oneself in all. To love only yourself is to deny yourself true love since its karmic law that you will get return investments on your efforts.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 18:31:35 +0000

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