If math is the universal language... then the universe - TopicsExpress


If math is the universal language... then the universe sucks. College Algebra, i will END you... after I figure out how. Class started Monday. Got email reminding me that I hadnt done anything yet, and that getting behind was a bad idea. They have assignments online Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. I hadnt even gotten my books yet. Tuesday get my books and buy the math lab. Got email reminding me that I hadnt done anything yet, and that getting behind was a BAD idea. They have assignments online Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. Went to Barass to get Gatalop stuff squared away. Did no school work. Wednesday, got home late from making up time I had to skip from work to get the books Tuesday. Got email reminding me that I hadnt done anything yet, and that getting behind was a REALLY BAD idea. They have assignments online Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. Pretest was due... So I decide... math is the priority, I need to log in and get this knocked out. 9 pm: Go to the website, hit register. Website bombs out. I start troubleshooting. Website says go to this page for troubleshooting guide. I go. web link says we are sorry, its broke, we know its broke, we are fixing it, go here to see current status. So I go to new address. website status indicator says everything is fine. go back and try again, broke. This goes on till 12:30 am this morning. In the mean time I knock out due work for other classes, and keep checking. FINALLY I get past the crap and get registered into the lab. I go to the pretest. all good, Ill knock the pretest out. Its the only important part that must be done ASAP. Click on the first problem of the pretest ready to finally conquer the world... and I am shocked. I am stunned. This looks more like english than math. My brain immediately develops Teh Dumb. So I go in and click the help me solve this and even the instructions in there make no sense. I suddenly realize that I am WAY out of my depth. I havent dealt with factoring quadratic equations since I was 18 years old. I am continuing where I left off in high school, 20 years later. I exit the test, take the mistake on the first question, and go looking through the math lab for the book, and find the book. The book will teach me how to solve these! The book is dull, flat, uninteresting, and my eyes cross. Its 1 am. So I find the video tutorials. I spend till 2 am this morning working on video tutorials, and NOW... NOW I can solve that first question. But there are 5 more after that one. lol. TL:DNR? I hate math, and anything I hate I destroy. I will ace this class come hell or high water. By the time I am done, I will have tattoos on my bones of equations that have fallen beneath my juggernaut feet. I will be able to tutor in this when Im done. They will install me at the top of the highest mountain, and demand I grow a long white beard so that people will come from all over the world to ask me how to solve their math problems. Also, this monster energy drink is AWESOME!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:20:11 +0000

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