If one wanted to create a one world religion.... 1. Formula a - TopicsExpress


If one wanted to create a one world religion.... 1. Formula a doctrine that detaches the judgment of mean Old Testament God from all accepting peaceful New Testament Christ thus creating two different entities of worship. 2. Perpetrate a deep seeded hate for Jews then create a separatist theology. This will develop into a religion based solely on mans perception of Gods intentions and negate plans for the Nation of Israel. 3. Market the prosperity, no judging Christ through mass media like movies, music, and television ensuring acceptance via a condoning forgiveness. A one world religion must adhere to a creed of living as one wishes in the belief that grace is a coverall for continual sin. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law-Aleister Crowley 4. Upon acceptance of the worldly marketed Christ, move to indoctrinate churches to the ideology that the sum of biblical obedience is outdated and not relative to modern lifestyles. The church must become so liberated that it begins to rebuke the teachings of the apostles and even Jesus himself. Sanctification and repentance must become absent in the pulpit. 5. The educational system as well as the work environment must be instructed to only tolerate a passive Christ. A Christ that does not judge, expect obedience or cast unbelievers into hell. Any belief in a biblical Jesus would be linked to bigotry, hatefulness, and intolerance. 6. Focus a complete educational program on the effects of bullying. Then create an astrosphere of reward for reporting such crimes even among the family. Again, reinforce the faux bigotry and hate of Old Testament God versus the love and grace, without expectations, New Testament Christ. 7. Focus on elaborate youth programs within the church that incorporate newer, worldly ideals and falls in line with the educational programs. He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.-Adolf Hitler 8. Sit back and watch as the pressure of society molds and herds the, badly needed to be accepted, church into a conformed controllable people. Then introduce a catastrophe or set of events that manipulates the populace of believers to either lay down biblical truth or embrace the doctrines of false prophets. We must ALWAYS keep in mind that it hasnt been merely the product of being disciples that has been the verdict for persecution and martyrdom but it has been that the church was an ENEMY of the state. A state that had a RELIGION that it deem to be true and in harms way of a radical faith being practiced by revolutionaries. Were seeing that foundation being laid. Test everything . Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1 The Coming CHRISTIAN persecution in the West: youtu.be/7uPjoLtDrL0
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:44:47 +0000

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