If only children know how much PEER PRESSURE can harm their lives. - TopicsExpress


If only children know how much PEER PRESSURE can harm their lives. This just reminds me of how at the age of 17 I got involved in cigarette smoking. When I think about it, I realise how easy I got attracted to it. It was not because of any benefit it had to our lives. Simply because one looked good when when they were smoking. And I remember how Courtley with its golden ring influenced me and my friends to start smoking. Some of those friends we looked up to, had their uncles who smoked. When I looked at it, I never had a role model at home in terms of smoking. So I took some childrens role models and made them mine. But when I got hooked to it, I realised that I could not even afford it in the first place. While it took me a few hays to get used to the smoke passing my throat without coughing once or twice, the thought of quitting was so frightening to a point that I felt I could die. What started as peer pressure for me to be able to fit in with the group, had given birth to a monster which I had to feed on a daily basis every single hour. That monster did its best to side track me from the most important goal of my life, to be educated. I remember walking distances going to a place where I can just get a cigarette and go back home. But when I will be on my way back, the craving will be back and I would feel the urge again for another smoke. At that time, my friends who indirectly and directly introduced me to it, were no longer there and I was battling this addiction alone. More than anything else, people started complaining about the way I smelt. So, peer pressure did not just bring this monstrous addiction to me, it also brought ah unpleasant smell with it. I could not even hide the fact that I smoked, it was now an open unpleasant secret. Because I could not afford to buy it, my mother had to know about it so that I can officially ask for money to buy it. So, this peer pressure did not only impact badly on me, but also on my loved ones because when I fail to legitimately get money, and the one rand is on top of the table, I will take it and selfishly support my habit. One thing led to another and another. I am glad that the LORD delivered me from such torture. I am glad that the experience enables me to share with those who are still prone to such temptations. But I also have to mention that not all have been able to drop the monster, and the health risks keep pilling and increasing. The unpleasant smell keeps getting more and more. Some ended up being unable to recover their future. It all started from PEER PRESSURE. I am sure it can be successfully ignored, because during my time, there are those who became stronger and ignored it and they managed. If I had known who I was, and built my identity properly and solidly, I would have rejected Peer pressure and chose tondo things in my own way. I was favoured to be able to drop it and regained my identity and my being. Young people, reject the temptations of peer pressure and find something useful to do with your life and be PURPOSEFUL. #WhoAmI.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:21:56 +0000

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