If people could unite and had the courage to share information via - TopicsExpress


If people could unite and had the courage to share information via social media, this could be over tomorrow… How much longer do you want to wait? Information about what is currently happening is provided by our celestial neighbors the Thiaooubans in the book Thiaoouba Prophecy, along with precise instructions on what to do. “There is only one solution, the grouping of individuals. A group is only as powerful as it is large.” It seems when presented with this kind of information many automatically go into “skeptic mode” without even considering the possibility that this information might be true. The truth is that the world has been divided into extremes of not thinking (religion) and over thinking (scientists/academics who think they know it all) People are fighting each other instead of noticing their leaders are not actually solving any problems, but are also spending most of their time fighting each other (political parties), instead of working together for the well being of the people. The truth is that people would rather argue and defend what they think they know, rather than trying to learn something new. It is the same attitude that people had when first told that the Earth was not flat, but round. They had never imagined such a possibility, and instead of trying to consider and learn something new, they chose to ridicule those who put forth such a new and world changing possibility, which ended up being true. The ironic part is that we seem to repeat this mistake over and over and do not learn from history. I challenge you to look at this information, think about it and decide what you can do. Imagine if every person shared this on social media how quickly it could spread? The world could literally be changed with a few clicks from each individual. Many are waiting for a savior/age of aquarius/spiritual awakening/ascension to 5th dimension or some other automatic pass out of this mess we have created. Do you think you will graduate from University by just showing up and not doing any of your “homework”? Others think nothing can be done and wont even try, and others are just waiting for Armageddon. The truth is we have the freedom of choice to shape our individual and collective future here on Earth. It is the same scenario as when people first heard of Hitlers atrocities, they likely didnt want to believe it let alone try to do anything. But he was eventually stopped because enough people had the courage to speak up, ask questions and investigate to find the truth. The problem this time is that the entire planet is in danger and unfortunately perhaps it will take a very obvious disaster to wake people up. An analogy would be we are all having a great party in the living room... yet there is a fire in the kitchen... and we seem to prefer continuing to party and hoping that there is no fire, or that if there is it will just go out by itself. Playing with an iPhone is more fun than talking about fires right? We treat large natural disasters and extreme/erratic/odd weather events (trees blooming out of season) as normal. I would prefer a positive outcome, but sometimes we learn faster with a rude awakening. WHAT TO DO: Public protests are unlikely to change anything unless there are enough people united for the same reason, and done for long enough to force our leaders to change. However, social media can literally change the world in minutes with the speed of information exchange... and it takes very little if any effort to click share Sharing some information on facebook and just unfriending those who have nothing better to do than write ignorant comments seems like a better option to me. Rather than endless debating, people could adopt an attitude of sharing and learning... isnt that what we are taught in kindergarten? Are we not all really on the same team as humans living on spaceship Earth, regardless of race, creed or other perceived differences? First time seeing some of this? Do what a good judge would do... listen to all sides of the story and think about which is more likely to be the truth. I have a feeling our celestial neighbours are likely extremely disappointed with us, and likely will not intervene to help since we have everything we need to fix this problem ourselves... if we wanted to. There is an African proverb: A speaker of truth has no friends It isnt easy to change the world, but not impossible. The first step is to make people aware of what is going on and WHY. The only proven method to change anything is the method of Ghandi - passive resistance without violence... He managed on his own, to prevent terrible bloodshed. Hitler had terrible ideas and was also able to convince everyone to follow him... It only takes 1 person. If enough people could unite, they could change anything they wanted using the power of inertia. For example... tired of paying for your utility bills? Imagine if everyone stopped paying them... what are they going to do shut everyone off? It may not be easy to achieve this... but not impossible. NEVER DOUBT that a single individual intellect can change the world. In fact, this is the ONLY thing that EVER DID. Want to help speed up the awakening? Review these materials and pass them to others: 1. Book - The freedom of choice (the universe, spiritual evolution, meditation) 2. Book - Thiaoouba prophecy (history of earth, what is happening and what to do) 3. Film – Sirius (clean energy technology, Dr. Steven Greer 2013) bioresonant/freebooks.html https://vimeo/89050345
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:39:52 +0000

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