If people want Obama care they should have and pay for it for - TopicsExpress


If people want Obama care they should have and pay for it for themselves. The rest of us should have an opt in and opt out clause. Only then you would see how few would actually consider it seeing how much it would really cost them. This should be a free market economy including medical. This is not Russia or China at leas not yet. Given enough time it may be. The government is not capable of runing any thing efficently and you trust them with you and your familys medical health. Good luck with that... We should not be forced by our gov to get medical coverage we dont want cant afford or cost more than the coverage we all ready have. Good example look what is happening in California 2 of the 3 largest medical insurance companys have decided to back out of California canceling insurance for well over 80k + people. Welcome to Obama care folks remember if you have insurance you can keep it at least until we drive them all out of the free market and you only have Obama Care and the IRS bill collectors to serve I mean order you to submit. Once again Obama and the dems decide to hold off on a major key to getting this nightmare rolling until after 2014 so the dems wont loose thier ass during elections. Why you ask because so many people by then will have a good taste of shit pie after having to eat excessive insurance increases. So what happens if you cant afford the increased insurance premimums and you dont pay well then the Newley appointed IRS comes after you yep collection time so pay up or else sucker... I really hope Obama and the dems dont hold back and get thier train wreck back on the fast track and up and running before the 2014 elecion. This will give american citizens a real clue as to the conquences of bad choices. Gets off his Soap Box Happy Dreams all. 8)
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:06:03 +0000

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