If religion be the opium of the people, politics must be the crack - TopicsExpress


If religion be the opium of the people, politics must be the crack cocaine of its elite, delivering a perpetual high to a disease-ridden carcase in dire need of radical surgery. It pumps up the purveyors and brokers of power with grandiose visions born of fevered fantasy, in place of the inner steel required to meet the demands of governance. Its frantic motion without movement, the realm where unthinking fanaticism and blind loyalty to the sources of power are more surely rewarded than the competence and integrity vital to effectively meeting the needs of the people. In place of sober assessment of stark realities, it is the drug that sends the brain hurtling down the path of plot and counterplot, fantastic conspiracy theories, slanders, lies, blackmail and every conceivable assault on common sense. It corrodes a mans morals faster than heroin, and like a degenerate gambler in the stock market or casino who believes that his instincts are infallible, the addict to this perverted game will ignore every warning indicator while he squanders all his capital and plunges his dependants more deeply into ruin. But the market never lies, and the cards never lie, and History never lies, despite our pathetic attempts to rewrite or reinterpret. It is etched indelibly on the headstone of the woman who died unnecessarily because of lack of prenatal care, the hunger lines in the face of a malnourished infant starving in the midst of obscene opulence, in the scorch marks left by bombs detonated by a satanic mix of religious intolerance, political opportunism, mass pauperisation, and the deliberate corruption of every state institution in pursuit of private interests. Heaven deliver us from politicians and their mongoloid errand boys in times when we need statesmen
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 15:15:07 +0000

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