If she’s your girl you got to be ready for her mood swings, days - TopicsExpress


If she’s your girl you got to be ready for her mood swings, days when she’s just not herself in the relationship not because she doesn’t want the relationship but she has her own life and you need to understand that. Once upon a time you treated her like she was your everything and just lead her on thinking you really meant everything you said, now you’re just there in love with another girl while she still can’t get over you. You tell the world she’s possessive when she tries to contact you but you don’t tell the world what you’ve done to the innocent girl. You make them think as if every guy will turn out to be the same, good guys get pushed aside because of the scars you left in her past. When you’re in a relationship as a guy, whether she tells you “he is like a brother to me” or “we’re good friends” you respect that but if either doesn’t treat her with respect then you need to take responsibility and stand up as her man and make them known they shouldn’t mess with your lady. When she uploads a picture of both of you on facebook, all she’s asking for you is to ‘like’ it to assure her that you are hers and only hers. If her parents find out about you guys, you don’t run anyway from the situation… If they don’t like you, don’t break up with her. Work for it and earn the respect from them. One day they’re going to treat you like they’re own and you need to be able to treat them with respect as if they’re your own parents. If he treats other girls in a similar way that he treats you, something that supposed to be ‘special’ is no longer special anymore – he doesn’t deserve to be that special person in your life. As a guy, you’ve got to understand your girl isn’t going to look her best every single day. At times she will do different stuff with her hair or the way she dresses up, if you don’t like it don’t put her off. You’re that one person that can make or break her day. Let her know she’s beautiful no matter what she does but also let her know what you feel looks better cause at the end of the day, that’s your girl! If your friend disrespects your girl, whether it’s something he did or said, you don’t take his part or justify his actions trying to think of a positive outcome. If it hurt her obviously you shouldn’t go against how she feels to protect the person that did it to her! Not respecting her is pretty much having no respect for you. You’re HER guy, you need to lay it down straight to your friends and whoever that hurts your girl. B*tches are going to be on your case, trying to flirt with you, trying to post all over your wall trying to get your attention because they’re bored with their own lives. You need to be man enough and not give them the attention they’re seeking, make them know that you love your girl – She should be your priority! When she feels insecure you and picks up your phone to look at it you need to let her know “Babe if there’s anyone troubling you, say what you have to say to them from my phone it’s ok, you know I got your back!” One day your friends may forget you exist or turn against you. Friends aren’t always the friends they say they are. There are three things in life you should be going down on your knees for and all three of them should include your girl. Firstly, in prayer next to her… Secondly, when you’re going to wife your girl and lastly, helping her strap on that little school bag on your child!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 22:46:58 +0000

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