If small businesses cant afford to pay employees what they are - TopicsExpress


If small businesses cant afford to pay employees what they are worth and provide them with a livable wage then they have no business running one well at least hiring help they cant afford. Dont pay someone 8$ an hour and expect the world from them. Just like anything else in the world you get what you pay for. Pay me the bare minimum you will get the productivity required to accomplish what you need done but dont expect anything special. You pay me what Im worth and I will go above and beyond for you. This goes for big corporations and every company I dont care. If I had my own business that required more employees you better know that I will take good care of them. We as people deserve to earn a livable wage. Many people will argue and disagree with my opinion in this but Im not going to ignore the facts. The cost of living and the equivalence of the minumum wage over history seeing inflation stager and surpass the wages were provided by working so hardly for I refuse to remain foolish and blind. The world needs to see the reality of the situation. This is one argument I will not let go or give up on. I am beyond passionate about people being able to provide for themselves by working one job no matter what that job is as long as its a full time position. Mind you I stated that you get paid enough to provide for yourself. The wages people are paid these days a person alone barely can afford to live decently. Give people the possibility of earning enough to remove themselves from government assistance and provide people with the money to purchase goods and be steady consumers that supports economic growth!!! The poverty level would decrease and the crime rates would go down. More jobs would be created and home sales would go up. Payments would be made on time. People could afford to eat more healthy and that would promote a healthier lifestyle it would decrease the obesity rate in America. It would provide people with the ability to contribute more to theyre own education and the education of others. Whats so hard to see here!? Im confused why the world is filled with so many people that dont get the clear picture. This isnt some fantasy land I get that but this is not an unrealistic expectation. This is not an unachievable goal. Minumum wage in my opinion should be no less then 10$ an hour I think thats fair for now. People who argue that we shouldnt increase minumum wage because it will cause an increase on the cost of living, well now that is an entirely different issue isnt it? That is an entirely different issue that should have also been addressed years ago when the cost of living exceeded the minumum wage we were allowed to be paid by employers. So people who feel they are above and beyond those who feel that they have worked hard for theyre education and hard at the job that they have those same people that feel fast food workers and walmart employees and other jobs you feel those employees dont deserve to earn atleast 10$ an hour your naive. By withdrawing society from the ability to succeed your only feeding to the worlds issues.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:22:05 +0000

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