If south Sudanese will not be careful with Islam this is what will - TopicsExpress


If south Sudanese will not be careful with Islam this is what will happen, they came to sudan without women peaceful people, when they became more they start calling us infidels that was one of the reason why we voted for independent South Sudan. Islam is not a religion we should allow it in South Sudan by all mean, we know better than anybody else in Africa. We all saw what happened in CAR we all saw what happened in Somalia,we should be the one should teach African about Islam because many of our children can speak Arabic. Those people are thieves call themselves leaders were in bush they dont know anything about Islam. We all know about jihadis which killed people in South Sudan now we are seeing what is going in Kenya Uganda even Nigeria. We should not allow Islam in South Sudan by all mean. Now Kiir want to open Islam schools in South Sudan he maybe crazy the only word he know very well in Arabic is Inu. Did he opened normal school in south Sudan or build single road? What he know about that religion? Did he read Quran before? We lost more than two millions at hands of jihadis more than 500 south Sudanese their hands was cut in Khartoum in 83 by the name of sharia Allah. Islam should not allowed in South Sudan, I have been preaching about this for last 15 years because I studied Quran to Surat Yassin to survive, what Kiir know about Islam? We have to fight that religion from now before it is to let. What our children can learn in Islamic schools? Did he asked himself that? What we were fighting in South Sudan? It is not the same Islam? I am not willing to leave in South Sudan, but that is my country where I born I want the best for my people... Islam is not a peaceful religion it never been and will never be, dont let any Imam fool you my people.kiir will go tomorrow, he is already planing to live in Soudia Arabia like Idi Amin, we have to think about our future. I will not allow that religion in azande land those people leading there are totally blind about Islam they can not speak arabic. I was happy to see what happened at end in CAR it will take Islam another 50 years to think to come to that country. World saw what happened in CAR but did they know what happened, what was the reason of chasing Muslims or Killing Muslims in CAR? Islam is fake religion and those whom you are seeing in this clip, they are the people following the real Islam and what is written in Quran..
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:39:19 +0000

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