If telling my embarassing personal story can help just ONE person, - TopicsExpress


If telling my embarassing personal story can help just ONE person, then I am still willing to put myself out there, because no one should live depressed, frusterated, and with low self esteem! AFTER delivering our first born I was at the lowest of the low. I was fighting post partum depression and was STILL 205 pounds. Struggling with my weight was not a new challenge however. I struggled my whole life with a bad body image and self hatred. I spent countless years as a crazy yo-yo dieter jumping on the latest get thin quick craze. I weight watchered myself to near starvation, litteraly to the point of living off bran cereal and water. I tried to exercise myself to death. Sometimes these crazy stunts got me some results. and sometimes I just couldnt stick to the restrictive diet. I was NOT healthy. I was living a lie. I hated who I was from the inside out. No matter how thin I did get, it was only for a short time before I would bounce right back up on the scale. I let the scale dictate my happiness. It dictated my life. When Beachbody found me, I was sitting on a couch eating a chocolate bar at midnight feeling sorry for myself. For some reason that darn infomercial from Tony Horton spoke to me and I ordered that sucker. It has been quite a journey, and Ive had to start from scratch a few times. But I am here on easy street now. My life has done a full 180 and I have never been so happy, or so fit (and thats AFTER two kids)! I dont ever starve, in fact I eat A LOT! No longer am I on some crazy diet, but I am living a balanced LIFESTYLE! I want to pay it forward by helping YOU! I want to be your FREE coach ! I want to help you get awesome results just like I did. I am running a SLENDER BENDER IN NOVEMBER Challenge. There will be an easy to follow meal plan, and realistic workouts thtat fit into YOUR hectic schedule. This is about learning how to LIVE healthy, NOT going on another diet. Statistically 70% of people fail when they diet. But this is about changing your LIFESTYLE, NOT dieting, so this time YOU will succeed. Message me or comment below for more details,, and feel free to share this post with anyone you think would be interested in learning how to LIVE differently
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:10:57 +0000

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