“If the Bible were law, most people you know would qualify for - TopicsExpress


“If the Bible were law, most people you know would qualify for the death penalty. The same can be said of the Quran. The same can be said of the Torah.” ....2015 has opened to slaughter in the name of gods. In Paris, two Islamist brothers executed Charlie Hebdo cartoonists “in defense of the Prophet,” while an associate killed shoppers in a kosher grocery. ...the United Nations released a report detailing the “ethnic cleansing” of Muslims in the Central African Republic by Christian militias, sometimes reciting Bible verses. ************************************************************************** The fact that there are an enormous number of people that want to justify legislation based on one or more of these books, just baffles the mind. While all three of these make fascinating reading, and give us great insight into the history of mankind, they were all written in a time and place where mankind’s field of vision so to speak, never exceeded more than a few hundred miles, and for most of them, the world was flat and ended at their visible horizon. The rules, laws and statements that proliferate throughout these great texts may have made sense thousands of years ago, but today? They are great books that should be read to give us a greater understanding of who we are, where we came from, and how far we’ve come. But to use them to create hate (legislating against the LGBT community), control what a woman does with her own body, or sentence a peaceful blogger to 1,000 lashes? All of this, to me, is the worst kind of blasphemy.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 17:04:07 +0000

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