If the Republican Party and all the Rino liberal Republicans - TopicsExpress


If the Republican Party and all the Rino liberal Republicans can’t stand up to Obamacare then what in the world good are they ? There’s a lot to be upset about with Obama in the White House but you don’t have to multiply your loss in the last election by acting like losers. That’s exactly what the Republican Party does, they’re spineless, gutless, fearful politicians. It does not strengthen your possibilities for future elections or garner support from anyone when you act out of fear. The Republican Party is totally paralyzed by fear, or either they’re comprised of such northeastern corridor liberal Republicans that they’re basically useless anyway, which I hope isn’t the case, but let’s be honest, there are way too many John McCain Republicans….and John McCain Republicans are bad for America. Ted Cruz led the push to defund Obamacare and He tried to get the the Republican Party to come on board. Good luck with that. You’d have better luck asking them to dress in drag and go to a Barak Obama party. Sad to say…. Ted Cruz is tried to get the Republican Party not to “surrender” on Obamacare. but the Republican Party “surrenders” better than they do anything else. The Republican Party fears a Government shutdown, well, what difference does it make, if there were no Government shutdown to fear, they’d fear their own shadow. The implementation for the majority of Obamacare is to begin on October 1st when the exchanges will be rolled out in the states. The Republican Party has the month of September to get the people to engage in this “tsunami” of political pressure. I say “Republican” party but the sad fact is the whole party is not behind the effort and that’s the problem. There are millions of Americans who are thirsting and craving for the Republican Party to be strong and grow a backbone, unfortunately, their ranks are filled with spineless, gutless, politicians who are anything but strong and principled. Ronald Reagan said decades ago that we needed a “revitalized” Party…..and we still do. The American people are going to have to simply raise their voices and hope somehow these pieces of human debris in Washington get the message, the only way these dirtbags will get the message is if it’s made painfully obvious that they need to listen to the wishes of the American people.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:21:04 +0000

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