If the Texans do not beat the Jags,a team they have owned over the - TopicsExpress


If the Texans do not beat the Jags,a team they have owned over the years, all they have left to play for is pride and the 1st round pick. Believe me when I tell you, I am a die hard Texans fan, and I am not down on my team. I am down on circumstances. I look for the team to go into rebuilding mode after the season, which means trades, losing familiar and loved players to free agency, and possibly another losing season next year. In my humble opinion,there needs to be a coaching change,especially at the head coaching position. We need a quarterback. Schaub has to go. Keenum might work out, but I dont see it happening in this offensive scheme. Maybe if Kevin Sumlin can be enticed, he will turn it on. We need a running back that doesnt break every time he is tackled. Let Arian Foster go. If he excels with another team, so be it. I love Ben Tate, but he is not the barn burning,slashing type runner that we need in this offense. The O line is solid. The receivers are solid for the most part. Which brings us to the head coaching job. Kubiak must go. His offensive scheme has been figured out by every team weve played,and for the last two seasons, its been a formula of score all our points in the first half and pray the defense holds the other team down for the win. That plan doesnt work on the High School level,and it certainly doesnt work in the pros. Wouldnt it be nice if Kevin Sumlin or Saban could be enticed to come to the pros and coach the Texans. Not gonna happen in our wildest wettest dreams, but we need a new head coach. As far as Wade Phillips goes, I dont think so. I know Houstons love affair with Bum Phillips and the name recognition,and yes,the defense has been awesome since he has been here,but he is not head coach material. He didnt do squat with Dallas. He wont get Houston over that 1st round playoff hump either. We would be doomed to mediocrity. We need to sew up J.J. Watt. Give him whatever the hell he wants to stay. Same with Antonio Smith. Keep Brooks Reid. Keep Cushing with the guarantee he stay healthy. He came back way too quick this year. Give Mercilus a deal. Get rid of the entire secondary save for Jonathan Joseph. We need a new special teams coach and some kick receivers that specialize in nothing but that. Barn burners. Someone that at any moment can break them,and possibly do it by themselves. And we need a new kicker. BAD. Keep Lechler, but replace our place kicker(I think thats a given anyway.) The Texans need to rack it up in the off season, through the draft and through trades. Thats how great teams are built. Look at the Patriots. Look at what Jimmy Johnson did with the Cowboys through the draft. We have an awesome nucleus of a team here. We just have to keep them. Weve had a bad season. This went back to the Dom Capers days this year, but we werent the only team picked to win it all that hasnt done a thing well except find ways to lose games. This season is like the Oilers resurrected,only the door hit us in the face when we kicked it in. Kind of makes you feel like a Cowboys fan doesnt it? There is always next season.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:20:49 +0000

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