If the hiccup thyroid Thyroid quite mysterious and very - TopicsExpress


If the hiccup thyroid Thyroid quite mysterious and very important body for womens health. Her disease leads to failure in the life of the whole organism. Thyroid as a butterfly located on the front of the neck and generates biologically active substances - thyroid hormones. These hormones are released directly into the blood and stimulate the metabolism of all cells. Thyroid support the work of the heart , brain , muscle, musculoskeletal , and reproductive system. Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction Weight change : the reduction or addition. Irritability and rapid fatigue . Poor tolerance of cold. Leading to swelling and dryness of the skin. A strange shiver and wanton weakness. Heart palpitations , hot flashes, shortness of breath , sweating . Discomfort or pain on the front of the neck . Poor sleep at night and daytime sleepiness . When the above symptoms , you need to consult a doctor specializing in diabetes and, if necessary , observe and carry out the necessary treatment . Equally important for the prevention of disease is a healthy diet . Here are some useful products : honey , walnuts , buckwheat , seaweed . In folk medicine, has accumulated a lot of recipes for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Traditional recipes for the treatment of thyroid Recipe number 1. Ointment of willow leaves . In the spring of Narva young willow leaves , fold tightly in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Boiled at low heat until the bottom not yet remain slightly dark brown liquid , thick as cream . Apply this drug for thyroid area at night and do not rinse . Need to be treated for several months, until the knot on the thyroid gland does not decrease. Recipe number 2 . Infusion of white cinquefoil . 1-2 tablespoons herb cinquefoil white brew in 2 cups of boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos . Strained infusion drink a half cup 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Recipe number three . Tea thyme . 1 tablespoon dried thyme pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes under the lid. Strain and drink 2-3 times a day over a glass . Recipe number 4 . Green tea. Green tea contains a lot of useful trace elements and removes radionuclides from the body . When brewing green tea take one teaspoon of dry tea per cup of boiling water (the water should be just the boiled ) . First, pour 1 \ 3 cup , then 2 \ 3 , and then later completely. The water is poured slowly from a great height to satiate drink oxygen. Filled with tea wrap for 3 minutes with a towel and drinking do not dilute it more . Welding is not re- use . Drink this tea in the morning , adding a spoonful of honey.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 16:53:35 +0000

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